On View November 24, 2011 – January 17, 2012
Rambla de Catalunya 47.08007 Barcelona, Spain
‘In spite of the growth in time periods and dimensions, and in spite of Rodríguez-Gerada never betraying his urban condition, his work does not ‘crumble’ in a gallery. It has its own presence that doesn’t really listen to a change of scale, nor acts as a mini-sized version of his usual work pattern. Like in all his itinerary, the point is to move a world into another world, a time into a different time, a meaning into an altogether ‘other’ meaning. For this, his pieces behave like a ready-made solution, willing to pay their debts with Art in general and with Urban Art in particular. Is it calling on Banksy or Blu? Both, but also on Duchamp, Brancusi or Picabia, as well as from Rosalind Krauss’ ‘expanded sculptures’, from Robert Smithson or Ana Mendieta.’
Iván de la Nuez. Essayist and Curator.
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