- Poster Boy. “The War Of Art”

As you may know the Poster Boy book, The War of Art, came out this year. The release of this book has given a few of us the opportunity do something much more significant. At The War of Art book launch on Saturday, Aug. 28th, we will officially kick off a legal defense fund for artists.
Kids Are Rallying Against The Empire (K.A.R.A.T.E.) is a grass roots effort we hope to eventually turn into a non-profit organization. Sadly, when dealing with the legal system most artists don’t know, understand, or are intimidated into forgoing their rights. Artists are often poorly represented in court and do not have financial access to proper counsel. K.A.R.A.T.E. is committed to helping artists defend themselves in court for art-related crimes conceived in public space.
Even at its infancy K.A.R.A.T.E. has managed to get Henry Matyjewicz, a Poster Boy participant, out of prison on appeal only two weeks after being sentenced to 11months by a superior court in New York. Mr. Matyjewicz is now being represented by world class civil rights lawyer, Ron Kuby. Because of K.A.R.A.T.E. Mr. Matyjewicz now stands a fighting chance in court.
I’m officially inviting you to The War of Art book release party. Whether you come to support Poster Boy or K.A.R.A.T.E. I’m hoping to see you there. Personally, I think supporting a legal defense fund is an obligation for those who say they’re supporters of graf and street art, besides the fact that it’s long overdue.
See you there: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26296445@N05/4910264171/
Email us at karatemeat@gmail.com if you’d like to know more about the fund.
Signed copies of the book along with special edition prints are available through nycposterboy@gmail.com. A portion of the sales will go to the K.A.R.A.T.E fund.
Poster Boy
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