August 2011

Shepard Fairey in Copenhagen for “Your Ad Here” and 5 New Murals

Shepard Fairey has been in Copenhagen for a number of days for his new show Your Ad Here, which opens to the public today at V1 Gallery. Aside from the gallery installation, naturally, he and his team undertook the job of creating 5 gigantic murals on some of the remarkable vertical walls in this capital city of 2 million.

brooklyn-street-art-shepard-fairey-sandra-hoj-conpenhagen-6-webShepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)

Photographer Sandra Hoj was on hand to witness the installation of one of them and she tells BSA about this piece:

“This piece is the second of five, located on Osterbro. We have an old tradition for murals here, but we rarely see street art of this magnitude. On the second day word had gotten around, and people were camping out in front, following the progress. It was a time consuming piece pasting, tearing and tinting, not even six guys working non stop were able to finish it in just one day. When I returned the next day, it was all done and the sun made it appear almost on fire, crazy beautiful” ~ Sandra Hoj


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj) “More transition, use more clear. You can always make it darker, but you can’t make it lighter”  – SF


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj) “You can bring it down a little… perfect! SF


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)


Shepard Fairey. Copenhagen (photo © Sandra Hoj)

>>> < > <> <<<< >> > >< <

To see images of Shepard’s other murals in Copenhagen visit Sandra Hoj’s site here

To read more about Shepard’s show at the V1 Gallery click here

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Street Artist EMA “Back Talk” Conversation



To introduce readers to some of the Street Artists in the upcoming show “Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories”, BSA asked a number of the artists to take part in “Back Talk” with one of our most trusted and underground and sweet sources for modern art, Juxtapoz.

Today we talk with EMA.

What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken and was it worth it?
“I ate an oyster once. I hated it.


EMA (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Read “Back Talk: A conversation with EMA” on Juxtapoz:

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Fun Friday 08.05.11


Check out the Flaming Cacti in Astor Place (NYC)

A bunch of light posts around the periphery of Astor Place have been tied with eye popping colors as part of a project by Animus Art. “Cable ties (or “zip ties”) are linked together in order to go around the circumference of the lampposts.  This done thousands of times creates a brightly colored lamppost with thousands of little “hairs” (the ends of the cable ties), just like a cactus.”

This is a quick cell phone photo shot during this mornings wandering rush.


“Mind Control” at Peep Show Tonight (LA)

The Site Unscene curates “Mind Control” at the Peep Show Gallery with a hypnotizing theme! Featured Street Artists are Eddie Colla, Bughouse, Destroy All Design, Insurgency Inc, and DDS

brooklyn-street-art-mind-control-the-site-unsceneFor more information on this show please click on the link below:

VHILS New Wall in Venice, CA (VIDEO)

Carlos Gonzalez shot this great video of Street Artist Vhils as he removed parts of a building to reveal the portrait inside. The Portuguese urban naturalist was in town in conjunction with the “European Bailout Show”, a print show at the Post No Bills showspace, across the street from the BSA/ThinkSpace show at CAVE next Friday “Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories“.

Carlos Gonzalez also shot photos of the show for Arrested Motion here>>>>

LUSH Hangs with the GAYS in San Francisco Tonight

That other Australian Bad Boy LUSH “Sells His Soul” at the Fifty24SF Gallery


For more information about this show and for NSFW juicy, literally, images click on the link below:

Shepard Fairey Posts “Your Ad Here” at V1 Gallery (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Street Artist Shepard Fairey has been in Copenhagen all week putting up gigantic murals while hanging his new  show “Your Ad Here” at the V1 Gallery.

Stay tuned for more action images of Mr. Fairey and crew going big on this wall with photos from Sandra Hoj tomorrow on BSA.


Shepard Fairey installing a big mural in Copenhagen photo © Sandra Hoj.

For more information about this show click on  the link below:

“Electric Projected” in Beacon, New York Saturday Night

Dan and Kalene run the gallery Open Space in Beacon, NY. They also love to bring the art outside in the summer and for the past few years they have been inviting many artists to come and paint on the abandoned buildings in this former industrial town along the Hudson River a little north of NYC. This year they are showing films and projections on the buildings and they invite you to come and watch and dance to live music from some local talents. Sounds like a great way enjoy natural and artistic beauty.

brooklyn-street-art-open-spFor more information about this event click on the link below:

Septerhead “Subversive Holiday” at Hold Up Saturday (LA)

“Subversive Holiday” features a closer examination of three of Septerhed’s most recognizable characters (The GEO-HEDs, Toxins and Wolves), explaining the existence and nuances of each style as a specific mode of design.


For more information about this show click on the link below:

DJ MAYONNAISE NEW VIDEO ART – Interviews at Miss Bugs Show at Brooklynite – NOT SAFE FOR WORK or QUEASY STOMACHS

DJ Mayonnaise explores the existential question of the goodness of VIDEO.  Insect Alert! Tooth Pulling Alert! Fun Alert!



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Fumero Presents: “In Your Face” At 17 Frost Gallery (Brooklyn, NY)

brooklyn-street-art-fumero-17-frost-galleryARTIST RECEPTION/Opening:SATURDAY​ 8/13: 7-10pm. Fumero’s Iconic faces, TSLogo art, T-shirts, prints & more. Special presentation of “The “Table Series” paintings, landscapes and the original “Grandpa”. Serving wine and hors d’oeuvres. Open and Free to the public. AFTER PARTY & music by ONDA SKILLET 10pm-2am. Come CELEBRATE the “art” of having a GOOD-NRG time. Show/exhibit will run for 4 weeks until 9-10-11. This event is an ART AFTER DARK -FUMERO funded- PRODUCTION.

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Fifty24SF Gallery Presents: LUSH “Lush Sells His Soul in San Francisco” (San Francisco, CA) Images NSFW

brooklyn-street-art-lush-fifty24sf-gallery-1brooklyn-street-art-lush-fifty24sf-gallery-2Upper Playground & FIFTY24SF Gallery Presents:
Lush Sells His Soul in San Francisco
FIFTY24SF Gallery presents “Lush Sells His Soul in San Francisco” a solo exhibition and installation by Melbourne, Australia’s LUSH opening August 5th at 7pm.

LUSH is a graffiti writer who likes porn, kittens, and making people angry. His work features male and female genitalia juxtaposed with comedic messages and comic book illustrative style. He sometimes makes people, especially other members of the graffiti community, upset with his pornography graffiti, tongue-in-cheek videos, and unfiltered twitter and interview statements. When he is at his most theatrical, LUSH makes artwork inspired by other graffiti writers, created in an absurdist style demanding a call and response. Some see the work as equally offensive, equally humorous. His recent photo shoots require naked female models/strippers/porn stars to interact with his graffiti. In a recent conversation, LUSH has called Larry David an idol. Is he serious? Who the fuck does this guy LUSH think he is?

Known as both a controversial talent and grand shit talker, LUSH comes to FIFTY24SF Gallery as a much-talked about artist who has invigorated the Flickr and Twitter community over the past 24 months with the spread of his graffiti. For his first solo show in San Francisco, LUSH explores the idea that gallery shows should be events more than a place to see art. Example: If you like women naked in front of your graffiti, bring the nudity to the gallery. LUSH and team have created a real-life installation peep show, featuring models from San Francisco’s iconic nude revue, the Lusty Lady. The exhibition will also feature a new series of works on canvas. Mostly, LUSH plans on keeping up on some contemporary shit-talk.

LUSH asks that you remember to bring your $1 bills to the show.

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Urban Folk Art Gallery Presents: “The Usual Suspects 2” (Brooklyn, NY)

The Usual Suspects 2
Urban Folk Art© Gallery presents “The Usual Suspects 2” an old school Graffiti Group Art Show

Brooklyn, NY- Urban Folk Art Gallery is pleased to announce their August show “the Usual Suspects 2”. Opening August 5th at 7pm, it will show a collection of Graffiti art created by artists who got their start writing graffiti in the 70’s and 80’s.

In an age where Graffiti is a widely accepted art form, used in everything from advertising to high fine art, most of the 13 artists showing began their artistic journeys in Brooklyn decades ago when Graffiti was an underground art movement started by disenfranchised youth. The artists include locally known as well as widely celebrated artists such as DANCE, REBEL, NEST, REK, SNATCH, KEO, POET, JAMES TOP, MOS ONE, BASIC, CHIEF, AND KC. These artists who began their Graffiti careers so long ago continue to help mold the contemporary Graffiti scene today. Some of the artists have been continuing to exhibit work far and wide, use their abilites for commercial and charitable ventures, and most of them continue to paint murals legal and otherwise. The First Usual Suspects show was held nearby a year ago, while the NYPD Vandal Squad was parked outside due to the notorious artists showing within.

Curated by Anthony Jehamy and Adam Suerte. Anthony and Adam grew up in the same South Brooklyn neighborhood, and began writing Graffiti as teenagers in the early 80’s. Anthony is still painting murals, curating Graffiti art shows, and working in photography. Adam is co owner of Brooklyn Tattoo®, and Urban Folk Art© studios/gallery where he tattoos, paints, curates, and works in many mediums and art realms.
Urban Folk Art© Gallery was opened in January, 2011, and shows many different disciplines, as well as different levels of undiscovered, emerging, and established artists. The type of work shown will be anything from comtemporary painting, drawing, printmaking and photography, to comic art, legendary Graffiti artists, and contemporary illustration.

“ The Usual Suspects 2” Art Show will take place at the Urban Folk Art© Gallery, 101 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, and will be up until the end of August.

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Hold Up Art Gallery Presents: Septerhed: “Suversive Holiday” (Los Angeles, CA)


Opening Reception on August 6, 2011 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Exhibition Runs through September 1, 2011

Hold Up Art

328 E. Second Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Hold Up Art is proud to present “Subversive Holiday,” the first solo exhibition for the prolific wheat paste artist Septerhed. Known for his plurality of designs and characters, Septerhed has earned a respected place in the street art circles of Los Angeles. Though his background in illustration and graphic design helped to inform his visual aesthetics, it is Septerhed’s sarcasm and sense of humor that make his images not only enjoyable, but memorable. Generally, Septerhed’s images tend to originate from a digital composition, and are reproduced through either silk-screening, or by hand with acrylic paints. “Subversive Holiday” features a closer examination of three of Septerhed’s most recognizable characters (The GEO-HEDs, Toxins and Wolves), explaining the existence and nuances of each style as a specific mode of design. The exhibition will also feature a limited edition giclee print, “Don’t Mind Me” released exclusively through Hold Up Art.

“Septerhed’s activity and anonymity on the streets was what first caught my eye. I had fallen in love with his “geo heads” long before I even knew his name; bold, bright and always stood out in a sea of pasted posters,” shares Hold Up Art curator Brian Lee. “When I finally saw a body of his work at a street art show a year ago, I was blown away by the diversity of imagery, yet it all seemed to make sense within the context of Septerhed. I’m very excited to see ‘subversive holiday’, and the reaction it draws from our audience, the work he has put into this show is inspiring.”

Although Septerhed, has been an artist his entire life, he has only become an obsessive slave to his artwork over the last 5 years. A graduate of Otis College of Art and Design, Septerhed utilized his knowledge of communication arts to create his own personal brand of visual self-politics. His work leverages the symbolism that is ever present within modern society, along with cultural associations of love and hate, and life and death. Ultimately, Septerhed’s work explores his personal struggle, and aims to represent his allergic reaction to reality and fate.

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Adam VOID “Back Talk” Conversation



To introduce readers to some of the Street Artists in the upcoming show “Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories”, BSA asked a number of the artists to take part in “Back Talk” with one of our most trusted and underground and sweet sources for modern art, Juxtapoz.

Today we talk with Adam Void.

What is your most defining characteristic? “A respect for and knowledge of tradition, while taking every opportunity to deviate from it.


Adam Void (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Read “Back Talk: A conversation with Adam Void” on Juxtapoz:

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Anthony Lister : Double Rainbow Eyes in LA (NEW PICS)

Anthony is an A-Lister in LA

Brand New Photos from Todd Mazer

Late afternoon Los Angeles was the scene of a new splash of wild magic from LISTER yesterday as he sketched out and created a sooper cool visionary for the  downtown street scene.  In his signature portrait style, the Street Artist created a monochromatic seer with rainbows arching out from inside her glorious mind. Just goes to show you can’t judge someone by their external appearance.

Anthony-lister-Brooklyn-Street-Art-Todd-Mazer-08-11-9-webAnthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)

Steven P. Harrington and Jaime Rojo of BSA are curating some LA Freewalls with Daniel Lahoda in the Arts District in Downtown Los Angeles over the next couple of weeks as part of a cultural exchange between NY and LA to celebrate some of the talented people who tell great stories with their art. Daniel is the mind and the man behind the LA Freewalls Project that has already brought a number of amazing artists and art to the streets in the City of Angels.

Photographer and BSA contributor, Todd Mazer was literally on call to capture Anthony Lister’s new piece. Great thanks to Todd, who stayed up late to give BSA readers these first pictures this morning.

“Well inspiration is just as valuable as sleep sometimes” Todd Mazer


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


And a little orange for the lips. Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Anthony Lister. Los Angeles, CA (photo © Todd Mazer)


Visit Daniel Lahoda’s site for more information about his different projects below:


See Anthony Lister in his solo show at Junk Food ART House.

Anthony Lister’s work will also be in the new group show, “Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories”.

Curated by Steven P. Harrington and Jaime Rojo, founders of Brooklyn Street Art in collaboration with ThinkSpace Gallery at C.A.V.E. Gallery, Friday August 12th 6-10pm

Runs until September 4th

C.A.V.E. Gallery

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Kid Acne “Back Talk” Conversation



To introduce readers to some of the Street Artists in the upcoming show “Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories”, BSA asked a number of the artists to take part in “Back Talk” with one of our most trusted and underground and sweet sources for modern art, Juxtapoz.

Today we talk with Kid Acne.

Something you do when you’re procrastinating?
“You mean procrasturbating?”
What is your most defining characteristic?


bsa-kid-acne-copyright-jaime-rojo-street-art-saved-my-life-4Kid Acne (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Read “Back Talk: A conversation with Kid Acne” on Juxtapoz:

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