Images of Week 06.14.09

Bishop 203

Black Heart in the Sun (Bishop 203)  (photo Steven P. Harrington)

Yo, check out the color! (JMR) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Judith Supine
Department of Parks Pool Rules: No. 4: Please check that there is water before you dive into the pool. (Judith Supine) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Noah Spark and?
Portrait of a barmaid. (Noah Sparkes and?)  (photo Jaime Rojo)

Shark Toof

Department of Parks Pool Rules: No. 7: Inspect pool for sharks (Shark Toof) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Sol 25
“Why you haven’t changed a BIT.  You look just as good as when we graduated.  How do you do it?” (Sol 25) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Specter Bishop203

It's an upside down world we are living in. (Spector & Bishop203) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Waiting for something to fall out of your burrito (Tian) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Veng RWK
Cracking a smile? (Veng RWK) (photo Jaime Rojo)

Hunny, there’s a bear on the roof! (Gaia)  (photo Jaime Rojo)

Leif Mcllwaine
A tribute, to say the least (Leif Mcllwaine) (photo Jaime Rojo)