Cholula, Pachuca, Puebla, D.F.
Peruvian Street Artists Entes y Pesimo traveled around Mexico as summers sun began to give everyone a rest from its intensity in the last month or so. Continuing to develop their figurative style and define technique, they usually take a long wall as an opportunity to let their figures lie down. In the case of the tall wall, they bring in more of the family.
Recurring themes are care-taking and seeking shelter from the harshness of life. During their trip they visited the central cities of Cholula, Pachuca, Puebla and of course Mexico City (or D.F.) in Mexico. Here are examples of this latest work for BSA readers.
Entes y Pesimo. Mexico 2012. (photo © courtesy Entes y Pesimo)
Entes y Pesimo. Mexico 2012. (photo © courtesy Entes y Pesimo)
Entes y Pesimo. Mexico 2012. (photo © courtesy Entes y Pesimo)
Entes y Pesimo. Mexico 2012. (photo © courtesy Entes y Pesimo)
Entes y Pesimo. Mexico 2012. (photo © courtesy Entes y Pesimo)
Entes y Pesimo. Mexico 2012. (photo © courtesy Entes y Pesimo)
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