1. Haters Gonna Hate (Video)
2. Logan Hicks “Structural Integrity” (London)
3. OLEK in 40 under 40: Craft Futures @ Smithsonian (Washington)
4. OLEK’s 40 Under 40 (Video)
5. Jon Burgerman at Pawn Works (Chicago)
6. BKC East Coast Stickershow (BKLN)
7. XCIA Artists Edition of New Book
8. TOOFLY from Jay Maldonado (VIDEO)
9. Aaron De La Cruz in West Oakland, CA (VIDEO)
It’s a great weekend in New Yawk so do your thing, baby! Like the artist duo UR New York say,”Be Who You Are”. You can be as positive or weird or normal or dull or talented or smelly or handsome or street or inarticulate or clever as you want. Just ignore the haters because as we all know, no matter what you do..
Haters Gonna Hate (Video)
Logan Hicks “Structural Integrity” (London)
Brooklyn’s own Logan Hicks has a new solo show “Structural Integrity” that’s open to the public at The Outsiders Gallery in London. Logan’s treatment of light and shadow along with his intensely detailed multi-layered stencil technique is expanded on in this new body of work at The Outsiders. In a moment of pre-show jitters before the opening last night he writes on his Facebook, “As I sit here thinking about the artwork that I made, the photos I took and the road that I took to having this show, it’s hard not to think of the people who helped me get here.”
Logan Hicks in Miami for Wynwood Walls. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
OLEK in 40 under 40: Craft Futures @ Smithsonian (Washington)
Opening Today! The Smithsonian American Art Museum’s contemporary craft and decorative arts program started 40 years ago so they’re hosting 40 under 40: Craft Futures. Street Artist OLEK is one of the forty artists born since 1972 who are on display at the Renwick Gallery in an exhibition that investigates evolving notions of craft within traditional media such as ceramics and metalwork, as well as in fields as varied as sculpture, industrial design, installation art, fashion design, sustainable manufacturing, and mathematics.
Olek in NYC (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Show opens Friday July 20th at Smithson American Art Museum
1st floor, Renwick Gallery (Pennsylvania Avenue at 17th Street N.W.)
July 20, 2012 – February 3, 2013
For further information regarding this exhibition click HERE.
OLEK’s 40 Under 40 (Video)
Jon Burgerman at Pawn Works (Chicago)
The always good natured fellows that run the Pawn Works Gallery in Chicago had the wits to invite the rascal from England Jon Burgerman to show his “Hungry Games”. Inspired by the movie and predicated on Jon’s unwavering support for food and fun, this show opens on Saturday with actual GAMES!
Jon Burgerman in Brooklyn. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
BKC East Coast Stickershow (BKLN)
King Rid and Jice and their friends have been working for months to pull together this gigantic sticker show that features slaps from all over the world. From mass produced to handmade one-offs, this massive collection is a freeze frame of this moment in 2012. Brass Knuckle Crew, Jice and King Rio will be hosting the BKC East Coast Sticker Show 2 Saturday at the Ivy House Studio in Brooklyn.
For further information regarding this event click here.
Also happening this weekend:
The Hendershot Gallery on The Lower East Side of Manhattan hosted photographer XCIA’s launch of the special ARTIST Edition of his book XCIA Street Art Project last night. Army Of One/JC2, Fumero, Chris Stain and ENX were part of the handful on hand who created customized covers for the book to be shown last night. The show is a continuation of the gallery’s Summer series of prints and walls. If you go, ask to be taken to the gallery’s basement to see a few kool walls. This show is now open to the public. Click here for more details.
The new group show opening today at the Egg Gallery in Melbourne, Australia, titled “Paperápe” features seven Melbourne artists showcasing their different styles but united for their love of making art on paper. This show opens tomorrow. Click here for more details.
TOOFLY from Jay Maldonado (VIDEO)
“I’m trying to get, I guess, what’s inside, my feeling, into my work,” says the painter. Graffiti artist TOOFLY has been cooking the streets of New York with a personal blending of the hip-hop flavored girl-powered designs she’s known for since the early nineties. A founder of the Younity initiative, TOOFLY and a large group of other graffiti/atreet art women regularly sponsor events and opportunities for young women to hold their own and champion their creativity. Here’s a new shorty from TOOFLY and Jay Maldonado.
Aaron De La Cruz in West Oakland, CA (VIDEO)
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