All posts tagged: Otecki

From Antiquity to Street Art: Otecki and Karkoszka’s Ceramic Masterpiece in Łódź

From Antiquity to Street Art: Otecki and Karkoszka’s Ceramic Masterpiece in Łódź

“The mosaic is like a puzzle, and in its smallest parts lies the whole.”
Gustav Klimt (1862–1918)

More durable than a mural, the mosaic has proved to be a cherished member of the Street Art family during this new age. While they may not be as topical or ephemeral as murals, they offer unparalleled options that surprise the unsuspecting wanderer, and they can affect a wildness despite their inherent stability. Often installed on light post bases and hidden in the cracks of buildings and even pavement, mosaics have a deeply personal touch that speaks to your memories of childhood possibly. Modern examples can be as grand in scale as any mural, showcasing their versatility and enduring appeal, and we bring a new one here today for your consideration.

Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)

Historically, mosaics boast rich roots. They adorned the baths and villas of Ancient Rome, depicted religious scenes in the Byzantine Empire, and embellished the mosques and palaces of the Islamic Empire. The Italian Renaissance continued these traditions with classical techniques, and Antoni Gaudí’s eclectic mosaics in Barcelona expanded the art form’s boundaries in ways no one could have predicted in the last century.

Though not traditionally seen as countercultural within the graffiti and street art movements, mosaics share common ground with modern murals, many of which have also shifted away from direct critique, often to be seen as ‘Public Art’. Both mediums can leave a lasting impact on communities, bridging the past and present with their enduring presence and artistic expression.

Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)

“Four Sides,” the newly unveiled ceramic mosaic on the side wall of 17 Struga Street in Łódź, Poland, is a testament to the fusion of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary street art. Designed by the renowned muralist Otecki and crafted by master tilemaker Łukasz Karkoszka, this new mosaic covers over 100 square meters and took four weeks to complete. The intricate process involved creating and firing most of the ceramic tiles specifically for this project, requiring exceptional skill and precision.

Otecki, whose real name is Wojciech Kołacz, is a Wrocław-based artist known for his large-format paintings and graphic design. His works can be seen in various cities worldwide, including Helsinki, Buffalo, Breda, Lille, Lyon, Besançon, Dresden, Kosice, and numerous locations across Poland. His unique style, which blends realism with abstraction, is evident in the “Four Sides” mosaic. “In this mosaic design, botanical forms intertwine with figures of four individuals. Their eyes are closed, symbolizing a withdrawal from the world of the senses and a journey inward,” Otecki explains. “This dance of opposites reflects a cycle of life where joy intertwines with pain, and hope with melancholy.”

Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)

Creating the mosaic’s vibrant tiles took time and knowledge of the craft. Łukasz Karkoszka, from the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts, dedicated four months to crafting the tiles. “Matching colors in ceramics is particularly challenging due to the chemical reactions during firing,” Karkoszka shares. “I made key compositional parts, such as purples, turquoises, greens, and pinks, and many glazes myself to ensure the shades aligned with the project’s vision. The preparation of the ceramic material was meticulous, from cutting and numbering the chamotte mass to glazing and firing the tiles at 1200°C.”

The project’s curator, Michał Bieżyński, emphasizes the significance of this collaboration. “We have a unique, symbiotic combination of two artists—Otecki in the design area and Łukasz Karkoszka in the technological area. Their combined efforts have brought a new dimension to the urban space of Łódź,” Bieżyński remarks.

“Four Sides” is part of a broader initiative by the Łódź Event Center to integrate modern artistic objects into the city’s landscape. This program, which has been ongoing for over a decade, aims to create permanent and temporary installations that enrich the urban environment. The mosaic is a testament to the enduring appeal of traditional and contemporary art forms, bridging the past and present with serious craftsmanship.

Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)
Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)
Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)
Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)
Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)
Otecki / Łukasz Karkoszka. “Four Sides”. Łódź Event Center. Łódź, Poland. (photo courtesy of Michał Bieżyński)
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12 Finalist Artists Announced for Contorno Urbano Mural in Barcelona

12 Finalist Artists Announced for Contorno Urbano Mural in Barcelona

Almost 300 artists and collectives from around the world (42 countries) have entered the 2018 Contorno Urbano competition for this wall/residency/7000€ prize in Barcelona! It is astounding how many high caliber artists are at work today in cities everywhere, bringing innovative new techniques and unique perspectives to public space like never before.

After reviewing all applications and submitted materials during a process begun this summer, today we are excited to announce that this list has been narrowed to just 12 finalists. Next month their names will go to the final stage of selection in Barcelona with esteemed co-jurors from organizers and creators in the areas of art academia, mural art, public art, and Street Art to narrow the list to one.

The 12 premiere finalists for the Mural de la Salut in Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain) are:

Axel Void
Colectivo Licuado
David de la Mano
Guido Van Helten
Sabotaje al Montaje

Congratulations to each artist! It wasn’t an easy task for the pre-selection committee to decide the best from 300, but your work rose to the top 4% of the applications according to the selection criteria.

#MuralSalut: Finalistas – Finalists from Contorno Urbano on Vimeo.

Among the considerations for selection were academic studies, experience and history creating murals in public space, previous internships or residencies, and suitability of artwork style to the central purpose of this 400 square meter mural.

Each of the 12 finalists will be asked to submit a sketch and a written proposal.

The final stage of the selection will be on November 15th and 16th, with the following professionals travelling to Sant Feliu de Llobregat:

Monica Campana (Cofounder of Living Walls and project manager for the urban art exhibition Open Source),
Fernando Figueroa (PHD in History of Art and independent researcher specialized in graffiti and urban art),
Esteban Marin (President of Contorno Urbano and mural artist),
Jaime Rojo (co-founder of Brooklyn Street Art and curator), and
Veronica Werckmeister (painter and muralist, curator).

The mural will commemorate the neighborhood’s fight 30 years ago to have this public square created for the neighbors instead of building a gas station. After meeting with the Association La Salut and the neighbors who live in the area, members of the jury will review previous artworks and experience of the 12 finalists to help them to select the artist who is best suited for painting the mural.

The winner will receive an artistic residence beginning in Spring 2018 and will receive a 7000€ prize. The wall will be painted after an artistic residency in order for the artist to become acquainted with the historic context of the project and the city itself.

The project is a collaboration between the municipality (Ajuntament) of Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Fundacion Contorno Urbano and Kaligrafics.

Kaligrafics: Founded in 1999, it’s the oldest non-profit organization dedicated to graffiti and street art in Cataluña, and a significant record of experience in Spain.

Contorno Urbano: The first Foundation in Spain to be fully dedicated to street art and graffiti. The team has over 10 years’ experience organizing murals and urban art dissemination locally and internationally.

Following in no particular order are the 12 finalists:

Guido Van Helten / United Kingdom

Guido Van Helten for Nashville Walls Project. Nashville, TN. June 2017. (photo © Eric E Johnson)

Borondo / Spain

Borondo for Urban Nation this spring (UN) in the Tegel section of Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Escif / Spain

Escif. Living Walls Atlanta. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Daniel “SAN” Muñoz / Spain

Daniel Muñoz. The curtain ( 983 followers). The Highlands, Scotland. (photo © courtesy of the artist)

Axel Void / USA

Axel Void. Los Muros Hablan. El Barrio/Spanish Harlem. NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Hyuro / Spain

Hyuro. What In The World PM/12. Urban Nation Museum For Urban Contemporary Art. Berlin, May 19, 2017. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Colectivo Licuado / Uruguay

Colectivo Licuado. Lisbon, Portugal. (photo © courtesy of Colectivo Licuado)

Millo / Italy

Millo in Kiev for Mural Social Club Festival/NGO Sky Art Foundation. (photo © Maksim Belousov)

Innerfields / Germany

Innerfields for ArtUnitedUs in Kiev, Ukraine. (photo © @dronarium)

David De La Mano / Spain

David De La Mano. Urban Nation Musuem For Urban Contemporary Art. Berlin. September 2017. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Sabotaje Al Montaje / Spain

Sabotaje Al Montaje. Los Alcazares. Murcia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)

Otecki / Poland

Otecki. Urban Forms. Lodz, Poland. (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)



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Discovering a “Magic City” in Dresden, Germany

Discovering a “Magic City” in Dresden, Germany

A couple of weeks ago BSA was in Dresden, Germany to help lay plans for a new Street Art show opening there this fall called “Magic City” and naturally we hit the streets with bicycles three days in a row to see the city’s graffiti, Street Art, and murals whenever time would permit. The first day we had the honor of getting a tour from Jens Besser, an artist, author, lecturer, and producer of mural festivals in the city who sped ahead of us through a labyrinth of streets to show us a number of the impressive murals he and partners have brought to the city in the last decade or so.


Unidentified Artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Jens is also a local historian and cultural observer so whether we were talking about a graffiti tag, aerosol hand styles, the Fürstenzug mural of 23,000 porcelain tiles, the overflow of the Elbe River during a European flood in 2002 or the architectural subterfuge of a former cigarrete factory/mosque named Yenidze that escaped allied bombings in 1945, he proved a friendly, adept and educational host.


Optic Ninja – a hand rendered wheat paste. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

We did some investigating on our own later through Dresden’s more bohemian/neglected gritty neighborhoods but that first tour clued us in to some of the magic that can be found in this city that lies only two hours south of Berlin. The multitude of skills and voices on the street added additional color to the rich conversations we were invited to contribute to by sage and storied writer, critic and chief curator Carlo McCormick. Carlo generously asked us to be a part of his vision of a “Magic City”, a constructed simulacrum and somewhat surreal streetscape with 30+ artists creating new works of many disciplines and mediums inside a former plane engine factory here, and for years we have provided a platform for this form of storytelling on BSA so it’s fantastic to bring to a theater setting here.


Optic Ninja (photo © Jaime Rojo)

McCormick has an intense affinity for the artists and the creative spirit that rivals how extensively he is versed in the antecedents, undercurrents, and greater intellectual and cultural implications of this world that is loosely described as Street Art or Urban art. We’re honored that Carlo tapped us to create a BSA Film Program to work within this newly designed city and to expand the definitions and perceptions of freewill art in the public sphere. Likewise we are grateful to the incredibly talented and ingenious Magic City team under the leadership of Christoph Scholz for inviting us on board for this project – all of which we’ll tell you more about soon.


“Auch das Team von Brooklyn Street Art (Steven P. Harrington und Jaime Rojo) und das Kuratorenteam um Carlo McCormick und Ethel Seno freut sich, Euch als Magic Citizens ab 1. Oktober in der Magic City in der Zeitenströmung Dresden begrüßen zu dürfen. Der Vorverkauf startet am 3. August!” #MagicCityLife  (Photo © Frank Embacher)

In the meantime, here are new images from Dresden for you along with some more information about the upcoming show.


Frm-Kid . Otecki for CityBilder – Collaborative Murals in DresdenFriedrichstadt . Curated by Jens Besser and Frank Eckhardt. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Other . Saddo for CityBilder – Collaborative Murals in Dresden Friedrichstadt. Curarted by Jens Besser and Frank Eckhardt. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Mono Gonzalez. Dabtar . Gregor for Time for Murals. Curated by Jens Besser and Denise Ackermann. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Graphic Surgery for CityBilder – Collaborative Murals in Dresden Friedrichstadt. Curated by Jens Besser and Frank Eckhardt. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


JBAK. Detail. For CityBilder – Collaborative Murals in Dresden Friedrichstadt. Curated by Jens Besser and Frank Eckhardt. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ryan Spring Dooely . Moneyless for CityBilder – Collaborative Murals in Dresden Friedrichstadt. Curated by Jens Besser and Frank Eckhardt. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Kenor . H101 for CityBilder – Collaborative Murals in Dresden Friedrichstadt. Curated by Jens Besser and Frank Eckhardt. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Unidentified Artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Artourette (photo © Jaime Rojo)


A day and night diptych from Jens Besser (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Jens Besser. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Jens Besser. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Jens Besser (photo © Jaime Rojo)


No Name . No Game. – An “open source” roller tag repeated often and seen in many locations in Dresden. We found this one poignant because of the placement of a commercial real estate developer above it, effectively showcasing two uneasy players in the ongoing discussion about the role of art and artists in the gentrification of neighborhoods. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


ZCKR Crew (photo © Jaime Rojo)


SMC . GWK . ZBG (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For more check out #magiccitylife


Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


A version of this article was also published on The Huffington Post


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Large Murals Adorn The City Of Lodz In Poland

The city of Lodz in Poland is promoting the work of Street Artists from around the world as a way of creating a cultural re-invigoration of this city whose population is three quarters of a million.  Begun in 2009, the Urban Forms Gallery has installed more than 20 large square paintings on elevations in the city center.

The public/private partnership and the addition of the artwork has attracted business and investment, and of course urban exploring tourists who can follow a map to see the works within a couple of hours. As a model for employing the talents of Street Artists to create public art in service of the re-invigoration of a city, this one appears to be very successful at respecting the work while adding value to a neighborhood, district, city, and community.

The roster of nearly two dozen works features international Street Artists like Os Gemeos from Brazil, Aryz from Spain, and Remed from France along with one of Poland’s proud Street Art sons named M-City from Gdynia, a city three hours north of here, and two hometown local talents Bezt and Sainer from the ETAM Crew.

Here are a number of images of many of the walls that have been going up in the last few years.  Special thanks to Michał Bieżyński for sharing these images with us exclusively for BSA readers.


Aryz (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Aryz (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Aryz . Os Gemeos (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

MCity (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Betzt (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Shida (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Sainer (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Remed (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Pener (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Otecki (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Massmix (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Lump (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Krik (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Kenor (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

ETAM Crew (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Gregor (photo © Courtesy Urban Forms)

Click on the links below to learn more about URBAN FORMS and for news regarding the new murals.



Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


This posting is also published on The Huffington Post

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Fun Friday 04.20.12

1. ROA at StolenSpace “Hypnagogia” (London)
2. Katowice Street Art Festival 4/20-29 (Poland)
3. LALA Gallery Inauguration Saturday (Los Angeles)
4. Herakut “Loving the Exiled” at 941 Geary (San Francisco)
5. Marsea Gives You the “High Five!” at New Image Art Saturday (LA)
6. Erica Il Cane  “Una Vita Violenta” at Fifty24MX Gallery (Mexico City)
7. Brett Amory “Waiting 101” at Outsiders Gallery (Newcastle, UK)
8. OLEK in Barcelona with Botero (VIDEO)
9. C215 “About Copyrights” (VIDEO)
10. The Bushwick Trailer (VIDEO)

ROA at StolenSpace “Hypnagogia” (London)

With his current show, now on view at the StolenSpace Gallery in London, ROA will demonstrate how you can be asleep and awake at the same time. His solo show “Hypnagogia” opens today to the general public and offers a dissected view of ROA’s fantastic world of animals and beasts. ROA’s hand crafted book “An Introduction To Animal Representation” by Mammal Press is on sale at The Old Truman Brewery on 91 Brick Lane. Hurry there are only only 125 tomes being offered.

Roa (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Katowice Street Art Festival 4/20-29 (Poland)

Katowice, a Silesian city in Southern Poland celebrates Street Art with their own Street Art Festival, now on its second year, from April 20 through April 29. The gray, concrete architecture that dominates this town will be imbued with color, shapes and fantasy with the help of this city most prominent daughter, OLEK aided by an illustrious list of first rate of fine and Street Artists including Mark Kenkins, Escif, Boogie, Moneyless, Ganzeer, Ludo, Mona Tusz, Swanski, 0700 Team, Tellas, Dan Witz, Hyuro, M City, ROA, Goro, Kilo, Nespoon, Aryz, 108, Wers, Ciah-Ciah, Etam Crew, Otecki, Razpajzan, Sepe, Chazme, CFNTX Crew, Onte, Jezmirski, Terry Grand, Dast, Impact, Malik, Turbos and Mentalgassi.

Olek (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this festival click here.

LALA Gallery Inauguration Saturday (Los Angeles)

The West Coast continues to assert itself as a power house in the art world and as a Street Art mecca with the inaugural show of LALA Gallery. A brand new gallery conceived by Daniel Lahoda, the mind and soul and legs of LA Freewalls Project.

LALA’s line up of artists for this first show augurs an auspicious beginning and a successful life which we hope last for a long, long time. “LA Freewalls Inside” is the title of this show and artists included are: Anthony Lister, Askew One, Becca, Cern, Chris Brand, Cryptik, Cyrcle, Dale VN Marshall, Dan Witz, Daze, Dee Dee Cheriel, Evan Skrederstu, How & Nosm, Insa, Jaybo, Kim West, Kofie, Lady Aiko, Ludo, Mear, The Perv Brothers, Poesia, Push, Pyro, Ripo, Risk, Ron English, Saber, Shepard Fairey, Swoon and Zes.

Dan Witz. Detail of his installation “The Prisoners” on the walls of LALA. (photo © Dan Witz)

Askew One for LA Freewalls Project. (photo © Todd Mazer)

For further details regarding this show click here.

Herakut “Loving the Exiled” at 941 Geary (San Francisco)

Herakut, the indefatigable German collective are a busy duo with an impressive craft and a mastery of the can and paint brushes. Never compromising their artistic output regardless of their environment or medium they set their collaborative standards high with an output rich in earthy colors. Their palette of ores, reds, grays, oranges, blues, browns and yellows give birth to a universe of characters that are  fantastic and mysterious and in pursuit of you, the spectator. In San Francisco at 941 Geary Gallery Saturday the reception will be open for the artists and you at “Loving the Exiled”.

Hera at work in preparation for the show. (photo courtesy © Jennifer Goff)

Akut at work in preparation for the show. (photo courtesy © Jennifer Goff)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Group Show “High Five!” at New Image Art Saturday (LA)

HIGH FIVE! the new group show at New Image Art Gallery in Los Angeles opens tomorrow and the artists include Alia Penner, Ashely Macomber, Curtis Kulig, Deanna Templeton, Maya Hayuk and Vanessa Prager.

Curtis Kulig AKA Love Me (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Also happening this weekend:

Tomorrow, Saturday April 22 will be the last day to see Erica Il Cane show “Una Vita Violenta” at the Fifty24MX Gallery in Mexico City.  The gallery will also participate with Erica Il Cane at the Zona Maco Mexico Arte Contemporaneo Art Fair in Mexico City. April 18 – April 22. For further details about “Una Vita Violenta” click here. For more details about Zona Maco, Mexico Arte Contemporaneo Art Fair click here.

Brett Amory solo show “Waiting 101” At the Outsiders Gallery in Newcastle, UK opens today to the general public. Click here for more details about this show.

OLEK in Barcelona with Botero (VIDEO)

Still working on that scarf you’ve been knitting for OLEK’s birthday? You missed it.

C215 “About Copyrights” (VIDEO)

The Bushwick Trailer (VIDEO)

Starring: Bishop 203, Veng and Never

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Katowice Street Art Festival. April 20 – April 29 2012 (Katowice, Poland)

Katowice Street Art Festival

Olek (photo courtesy © Olek)

Katowice Street Art Festival

20-29 kwietnia 2012


Olek (USA)


plac pod Spodkiem, Katowice

Mentalgassi (Niemcy)



Mark Jenkins (USA)


ul. Mariacka 15, Katowice

Nawer vs. Temporary Space Design / DJ Krime / Daniel Drumz


godz. 20.00

sala widowiskowa DOKP, al. Roździeńskiego 1

wstęp: 5 pln


Roa (Belgia)


ul. Mariacka Tylna 11, Katowice

M-City (Polska)


ul. Sobieskiego 13, Katowice

Escif (Hiszpania)


ul. Mikusińskiego 5, Katowice

Hyuro (Argentyna)


ul. Gliwicka 58, Katowice

Moneyless (Włochy)


ul. Mariacka Tylna 13a, Katowice

Tellas (Włochy)


ul. Mariacka Tylna 13, Katowice

Swanski (Polska)


ul. Monte Cassino 5, Katowice

Ludo (Francja)


ul. Markiefki 55, Katowice

Drobczyk / Mona Tusz / Vero King / Raspazjan (Polska)


wiadukt przy ul. Mikołowskiej, Katowice

Śląski Mural (Polska)


wiadukt przy ul. Mikołowskiej, Katowic


Boogie: Bangkok, Belgrad, Kingston (Serbia / USA)

20.04-6.05.2012, wernisaż 20.04 o godz. 18.00

Galeria Centrum (d. Sektor I), Centrum Kultury Katowice, pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2



godz. 19.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

Basquiat. Une Vie

Francja 2010, 52 min.

reżyseria: J.M. Vecchiet

występują: Bruno Bischofberger, Kai Eric, Micheal Holman i in.


godz. 20.15

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

Basquiat – Taniec ze śmiercią

USA 1996, 108 min.

reżyseria: Julian Schnabel

występują: Jeffrey Wright, Benicio del Toro, David Bowie, Gary Oldman, Denis Hopper i in.


godz. 18.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

Basquiat, promienne dziecko

USA 2010, 88 min.

reżyseria: Tamra Davis

występują: Julian Schnabel, Larry Gagosian, Fat 5 Freddy, Thurston Moore i in.


godz. 20.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

The New York Beat Movie a.k.a. Downtown 81

USA 1981, 72 min.

reżyseria: Edo Bertoglio

występują: Fat 5 Freddy, Vincent Gallo, Deborah Harry, John Lurie i in.



godz. 18.00

Rondo Sztuki, Rondo im. Gen. J. Ziętka 1

Podczas tegorocznej edycji Festiwalu odbędzie się debata poświęcona wyzwaniom, jakie obecnie stają przed street artem – komercjalizacją, festiwalizacją, wejściem sztuki ulicy do czterech ścian galerii. Do zabrania głosu zostali zaproszeni: Kristel Talv (Nuart Festival ze Stavanger w Norwegii), Angelo Milano (FAME Festival z Grottaglie we Włoszech) oraz Polacy: Ixi Color z Fundacji Vlepvnet w Warszawie i Michał Bieżyński z Fundacji Urban Forms w Łodzi. Debatę poprowadzi Łukasz Greszta (portal


Prezentując najnowsze zjawiska współczesnego street artu nie można pominąć zeszłorocznych ruchów rewolucyjnych, które przetoczyły się przez kraje Bliskiego Wschodu i które odbiły się szerokim echem na całym świecie. Znaczącą rolę w tych wydarzeniach odegrała egipska scena artystyczna, która – wychodząc na ulicę i tworząc tam politycznie zaangażowane prace – zachęcała ludzi do sprzeciwu wobec tyranii i zniewoleniu przez ówczesne władze. Wracając do tego, co leżało u podstaw street artu, egipscy artyści pokazali światu, jaką rolę może odgrywać sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej, nie ulegając przy tym komercjalizacji, uprzedmiotowieniu i dekoracyjności.

Ahmad Abdalla


godz. 20.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

The Microphone

Egipt 2010, 120 min.

reżyseria: Ahmad Abdalla

+ spotkanie z reżyserem

Ganzeer – spotkanie


godz. 18.00

Klub Festiwalowy KATO, ul. Mariacka 13


Young Fathers – koncert otwarcia


godz. 20.00

ul. Mariacka

U Know Me Night: Kixnare / Teielte


godz. 21.00

Klub Festiwalowy KATO, ul. Mariacka 13

KATO meets BRESLAU: Teleport Katowice / Igor Boxx


godz. 20.00

Podcienia Centrum Kultury Katowice, pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2

Cosmin TGR


godz. 21.00

Flow Club

ul. 3 Maja 23

wstęp: 10 pln

Nawer vs. Temporary Space Design / DJ Krime / Daniel Drumz


godz. 20.00

sala widowiskowa DOKP, al. Roździeńskiego 1

wstęp: 5 pln

MaxFlo Fest


godz. 20.00

Mega Club, ul. Żelazna 9

wstęp: pierwsze 300 sztuk – 25 pln, w przedsprzedaży – 30 pln, w dniu koncertu – 35 pln


Warsztaty z kibicami


Prowadzenie: Urwis

Uczestnicy: kibice GKS Katowice / zapisy zamknięte

miejsce: Stadion GKS Katowice / ul. Jabłoniow

Warsztaty z typografii miejskiej



Prowadzenie: Zofia Oslislo-Piekarska

Uczestnicy: dzieci uczęszczające do MDK Bogucice

Miejsce: MDK Bogucice

Warsztaty dźwiękowe


Prowadzenie: Marcin Dymiter

Uczestnicy: 16-30 lat / zapisy:

Miejsce: SARP Katowice, ul. Dyrekcyjna 9

Warsztaty z szablonu


Prowadzenie: Czarnobyl / Pisa73

Uczestnicy: młodzież z Domu Dziecka Stanica

Miejsce: Dom Dziecka Stanic




godz. 20.00

plac pod Spodkiem
Przed wyjazdem, w godzinach 18.00 – 20.00 na placu pod Spodkiem odbędą się warsztaty frisbee, które poprowadzi Śląskie Stowarzyszenie Graczy Ultimate Freezebeatz.

Wycieczka rowerowa szlakiem sztuki PRL-u


godz. 10.00


Start: KATObar, ul. Mariacka 13

Zawody rolkowo-deskowe


godz. 10.00

Miejsce: Skatepark PTG, Katowice
W czasie trwania zawodów, w godz. 10.00 – 18.00 odbędą się warsztaty frisbee, które poprowadzi Śląskie Stowarzyszenie Graczy Ultimate Freezebeatz.

Wycieczka rowerowa szlakiem katowickich murali


godz. 10.00


Start: KATObar, ul. Mariacka 13


Warsztaty budowania latawców

15.03.2012 / 1.04.2012

godz. 16.00

Warsztaty tworzenia murali


godz. 12.00 – 14.00

Prowadzenie: Stowarzyszenie Kuklok


godz. 10.00-16.00

Prowadzenie: 0700 team

miejsce: klub Piekarni.

Piknik z Latawcem


godz. 13.00

Kopiec Wyzwolenia, Piekary Śląskie

0700 team


Kamienica na rogu ul. Bytomskiej i Wyszyńskiego

oraz Brzeziny Śląskie

Stowarzyszenie Kuklok


Kamienica na rogu ul. Wyszyńskiego i Traugutta

Przegląd Piekarskich Amatorskich Zespołów Muzycznych


Ośrodek Kultury Andaluzja, ul. Oświęcimska 45

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