“Why is public space not about public discourse?” Urban Nation Berlin. “Love Letters to the City”. Part 2

This is a new mini-installment from our interview with Michelle Houston about the current show at Urban Nation, LOVE LETTERS TO THE CITY.

“Why is public space not about public discourse and the things that are happening?,” asks Houston. “Why, have we got cigarette adverts and not conversations about social mobility?”

Even during these cold Berlin winter days, Urban Nation lights a warm fire inside your mind and imagination and gives you ideas to discuss and consider – and questions to ponder. Whose city are we living in?

Video credits: Commissioned by Stiftung Berliner Leben. Shot by Alexander Lichtner & Ilja Braun. Post-production, additional footage, graphics, and a final version by Michelle Nimpsch for YAP Studio/YES, AND… productions GmbH & Co. KG