Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening :
1. Brad Robson in Rural Spain
2.”Inflateable Refugee” by Artist Collective Schellekens & Peleman
3. MIRA! ABCDEF Style Writing Part 3 from Bergerstrasse
4. Andaluz The Artist Creates all the Pokemon
BSA Special Feature: Brad Robson in Rural Spain.
Graffiti/Urban Art/ Street Art supercharged the mural scene, which rightly means this kind of work must be necessarily urban. Right?
We’ve documented so many anomalies in the Street Art scene over the last few years that extend to rural examples of the architecture that everyone must now admit that our labels are not keeping pace with the change.
Fine artist and painter Brad Robson from Australia did one of his interrupted portraits in rural Spain recently, and frankly, he likes it. “It makes me want to do more like this around the world….I think the art has more impact in the remote areas, in the rural areas,” he says.
“Inflateable Refugee” by Artist Collective Schellekens & Peleman
Wearing a life jacket and clutching his knees, this inflatable art project created by the collective of Schellekens & Peleman continues to be exhibited in high profile waterways to speak about the hundreds of thousands of people escaping war and economic catastrophe. These few images of the 6 meter tall “Inflatable Refugee” this summer in Copenhagen demonstrate the strong effect that a large figure on a flattened horizon has, and the impact it can have on city dwellers.
Following that is a news story of the installation’s local significance.
Drone video by filmbureauet.dk
ABCDEF Style Writing Part 3 from Bergerstrasse
It just seems to get better. So here again is MIRA!
Andaluz The Artist Creates all the Pokemon
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