The Italian Bifido is back with his photographic surrealist scenarios, this time from the Fate Festival in San Potito Sannitico, a tiny town of about 2,000 in the south of Italy. Reacting to the refugee crisis that is currently impacting immigration debate in Europe and elsewhere, Bifido uses the simplicity of a high wire to symbolize the precarious state that many people are in as they escape war-torn and economically dire conditions.
Bifido at work on his mural in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
The conditions below the high wire are fraught with danger and the children are the most likely to be victimized by the idiocy of the adults. “ ‘Transumanza’ is my personal view about the problem of immigration and I’ve created a symbolic trip to somewhere,” says Bifido, “like many migrants who are in search of opportunities in other countries.”
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
Bifido in San Potito Sannitico, Italy for the Fate Festival. CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE. August 2015. (photo © Bifido)
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