Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening: DASIC, Posterboy, Don Rimx, Swoon,The Yok and Sheryo, and BANKSY Entrepreneurs Make NYC Proud.
BSA Special Feature: DASIC
This short film is directed and produced by two brothers from the Bronx named Ruben Perez and Dan Perez, who profile Dasic, a native of Chile who was influenced as a youth by the volatile political climate in the country and the hip-hop scene of the 1990’s. A teen tagger who then went on to study architecture in college Dasic was drawn back to painting on buildings instead of designing them.
Now living and working in Brooklyn, Dasic has displayed a wide experimentation with styles incorporating a commercial sense of surrealistic magic dream sequences, the representational, the figurative, and an eye for design oriented graphics. As many artists on the scene today, he is not sure whether he is a graffiti writer, street artist, or mural painter. Like many artists we speak with on the street every day, he questions the need for those distinctions at all. “I believe in all my styles, I just try to keep the same energy,” he says.
Posterboy “How To Beat Meat on The Subway”
Posterboy is back, at least we think it’s that Posterboy. The schoolboy humor of the title tells us it is probably the same boxcutter jester who fooled with commercial ads in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Playing with a straight edge and grid configuration this time, he slices and rearranges a poster of a suburban chain deli more as a decorative meat pattern or flesh quilt than the cyber plastic surgery you may associate with Posterboy’s celebrity culture cutting of the past.
Diaspora Spanish Harlem: Don Rimx De La Calle
During the big Los Muros Hablan NYC festival this summer, Don Rimx tore up a huge wall for a number of days to create a mural – gathering the attention of many of the neighbors and visitors to el barrio. Here is a celebratory video that records the scope of the job and the community who supported his gift to the city.
Swoon: Dithyrambalina-Musical Architecture For New Orleans
Musical architecture is a grand experiment that went all right. With Street Artist and fine artist Swoon as the lead visualist, the idea of a musical building in a lot in New Orleans grew into a vision of a modular traveling interactive musical performance that attracted an eclectic range of musicians in its embrace. Once again, Swoon wholistically summons the creative spirit, points our noses in the direction of recycling what we have, finding value in our stories, working collaboratively as community. Next question?
The project is alive, and you can be a part of it if you like.
Click here to help Swoon and her team of artists and producers to bring art to New Orleans
The Yok and Sheryo in England
The Yok writes to tell us that he and Sheryo were in London town a little while ago with the Propa Stuff team for an event in Cambridge and the White Canvas Project. A pastiche of snippets, a visual and audio travelogue, herewith is a new video record of their work and play there.
BANKSY Entrepreneurs Make NYC Proud
The ongoing “residency” by Street Artist Banksy plods forward into its eleventh day – exactly as long as the U.S. government shutdown. Coincidence?
Each day brings some new news about the phantom Banksy – and if the celebrity-loving culture can’t help itself but to frolic through the streets on a treasure hunt for whatever he announces next on his website, you just KNOW some flimflam man is gonna try to make a buck off of it. Yes, professor, that’s the genius of capitalism!
And as long as people are breathlessly in pursuit of the new installations and offering myriad opinions congratulating and/or deriding the show master at work in New York, we say “What the Hell!” . It’s a lot cheaper than seeing “Gravity” in 3-D, and at least it gets people off their butts and out in the street!
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