It’s Friday yo! Tomorrow starts December but the tree is already up at Rockefeller Center and the city is flushed with wide-eyed tourists bumping into each other and we are busy touring graffiti covered abandoned buildings smashed with paint balls. It’s all good. Here’s some ideas for dope stuff to check out this weekend.
1. “Out of Chaos” Paul Insect (NYC)
2. “Organized Chaos” CYRCLE (LA)
3. The RAMMELLZEE Galaxseum (NYC)
4. VINZ “Batalla” (Chelsea)
5. DALeast “Powder of Light”
6. ROA by Makhulu (VIDEO)
7. “Dominant Species” by ROA (VIDEO)
8. IBUg Festival of Urban Art and Culture (VIDEO)
9. “Eyez Open” with Peat Wollaeger (VIDEO)
Paul Insect “Out of Chaos” (NYC)
London based Paul Insect has his “Out of Chaos” solo show at Opera Gallery in Manhattan.
Paul Insect. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
While Paul Insect is advancing the idea of a world out of chaos …
CYRCLE is all about “Organized Chaos” (LA)
Street art collective CYRCLE opens their solo show tonight in Los Angeles, CA.
CYRCLE (photo © theonepointeight)
For further information regarding this show click here.
To read our piece on a CYRCLE studio visit click here.
The RAMMELLZEE Galaxseum (NYC)
The Childrens Museum of the Arts is a good place to go to see the innerworkings of the visionary graffiti writer who turned his imagination into a galaxy. This kind of art-making gives inspiration to adults and kids because he fashioned toys and warships and costumes from everyday objects that were not expensive, and his output of mythic Gothic Futurism gods, heros, villains and storylines over three decades lays bare your excuse for not being creative.
It’s about the same price as a movie but the comprehensive collection of the artists work and the self-esteem mission of the museum is priceless. The Rammellzee Galaxseum is a great place to visit for an afternoon with the kids in your tribe and explore free expression – inside where it’s warm and your imagination can fly.
VINZ “Batalla” (Chelsea)
The VINZ solo show “Batalla” opens Saturday night at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery in Manhattan. This Spanish Street Artist plays with the realities of humans, using his own photographs of nude models and animals to construct hybrids by playfully merging their bodies with striking results.
VINZ (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
DALeast “Powder of Light”
Chinese Street Artist DALeast is also at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery tomorrow with his own solo show titled “Powder of Light”.
DALeast (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
ROA by Makhulu (VIDEO)
“Dominant Species” by ROA (VIDEO)
From Art in The Streets – MOCAtv
IBUg Festival of Urban Art and Culture (VIDEO)
From 2012 in Glauchau, Germany.
“Eyez Open” with Peat Wollaeger (VIDEO)
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