1. XCIA “Street Artist Unite” (NYC)
2. “Letters From America” at Black Rat (London)
3. Broken Fingaz in Vienna
4. “The Crest Hardware Art Show” 2012 Edition (Brooklyn)
5. Tumbleweeds in Brooklyn – A group Show from El Paso
6. Kid Acne Solo at C.A.V.E. (Los Angeles)
7. Pamela Castro AKA Anarkia Boladona @ Bob Bar
8. “Summer In The Street” @ Maximillian (West Hollywood)
9. “Sea No Evil” @ Riverside Municipal Auditorium (CA)
10. Lush’s Lethal Beef-Defense System (VIDEO)
11. BSA Supports This 3-Mural in Baltimore (VIDEO)
12. Poland Summer Solstice with Thousands of Lanterns Flying (VIDEO)
XCIA “Street Artist Unite” (NYC)
Photographer Hank O’Neal AKA XCIA opened a solo show “Street Artists Unite” this week in the East Village at The Dorian Gray Gallery. Of particular interest are the collaborations: Hank’s photos of Street Artists stretched across a frame and painted on by some of the current crop. Be sure to check out the one of a Richard Hambleton piece on the street that has been re-faced by Jean-Michel Basquiat and now accompanied by Chris from Robots Will Kill. Gives you a sweet brain freeze to contemplate it. The show is meant to highlight the photographic work of XCIA on the street and accompanies this springs roll-out of his book XCIA’s STREET ART PROJECT: The First Four Decades.
XCIA (Photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
“Letters From America” at Black Rat (London)
Yesterday’s US Supreme Court ruling on the health care legislation that BIG MONEY has fought tooth and nail against in the US highlights the relevance of this show opening on July 4th at Black Rat Gallery. Street Artists/Graffiti Artists RISK, Ron English, SABER, and TrustoCorp participate in this show with SABER leading the way with 3 canvasses, including “The Flag Of The National Health Service”, shown here. The graffiti artist knows of what he speaks – the current US corrupted for-profit healthcare system has deemed the artist “uninsurable”, epilepsy be damned.
SABER, The Flag Of The National Health Service, 2012
For more information, please contact Black Rat Gallery here.
Broken Fingaz in Vienna
In Vienna, Austria the Inoperable Gallery has invited the Israeli Crew Broken Fingaz to come and raise hell. This show is now open for the general public. You’re probably going anyway, so here’s your preview.
Broken Fingaz on the streets of Vienna. (photo © courtesy of Inoperable)
For further information regarding this show click here.
“The Crest Hardware Art Show” 2012 Edition (Brooklyn)
And this is the time of the year where the intersection of hardware and art comes in to play the right way (not that hardware, Nick). Joe Franquinha and Co. know how to put on a party for all ages and creeds. Come out this Saturday from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm to Williamsburg and enjoy an art show in his family’s hardware store: “The Crest Hardware Art Show”. This art show should be taken as a model for all small family owned business that want to give back to the community and make art part of the everyday experience. In addition to the art show, Joe brings in bands and food in the courtyard and all proceeds go to help a local little museum, The City Reliquary Museum.
Travis Simon (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Click here to see BSA preview of the show.
And for further details regarding this event click here.
Tumbleweeds in Brooklyn – A group Show from El Paso
“Tumbleweeds” opens this Saturday at the Sunset Surf Club with all artists hailing from yonder El Paso, TX including localito Street Artist El Sol 25. Enjoy some Tex-Mex hospitality and have an unheard of opportunity to see first hand a border town show before it flies south.
El Sol 25. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
Kid Acne Solo at C.A.V.E. (Los Angeles)
After his introduction to LA during BSA’s “Street Art Saved My Life” show last year, British Street Artist Kid Acne is now having his first solo show “Stand & Deliver” at C.A.V.E Gallery in Venice Beach, California.
Kid Acne (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For further information regarding this show click here.
“12. BSA: Something you do when you’re procrastinating?
KID ACNE: You mean procrasturbating? ”
See our interview with Kid Acne on Juxtapoz for the “Back Talk”
Also happening this weekend:
Pamela Castro AKA Anarkia Boladona is showing at the Bob Bar in Manhattan. Click here for more details on this show.
The Maximillian Gallery in West Hollywood, California invites you to a “Summer In The Street” Exhibition this Saturday. Click here for more details on this show.
“Sea No Evil” is an art show at The Riverside Municipal Auditorium in Riverside, California. This show is a benefit for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to preserve our oceans. Jeff Soto and Shepard Fairey are just but a couple of artists whose work would auctioned on Saturday. Click here for more details on this show.
Lush’s Lethal Beef-Defense System (VIDEO)
BSA Supports This 3-Mural in Baltimore (VIDEO)
Poland Summer Solstice with Thousands of Lanterns Flying (VIDEO)
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