Artist and photographer Jeff Frost from Anaheim, CA, loves to shoot everything but he specializes in timelapsed photography that, when painstakingly layered together into a video, can be breathtaking. In this video he roamed deserts in California and Utah looking to squat in abandoned buildings, and to make art.
Image © Jeff Frost
Frosts’ sense of adventure and wonder gives him an unlimited access to the night sky and the movement of the planet as plays among the stars, and the occasional wildfire in the middle of the night. It also gives him license to experiment with geometric shapes, perspective, and popping color in the wide open decay of buildings in the sands. Thanks to nearly 40,000 photos and his imagination, we get to see his work as a video as well as a glimpse of a world without limits.
Image © Jeff Frost
The artist explains his practice:
“I have a serious case of wanderlust. My favorite thing to do is roam the deserts in search of abandoned buildings. When I find a room I particularly like, I set up camp there (sometimes literally), and proceed to paint a large mural on the inside of it. I photograph this process with a combination of time-lapse and stop motion photography. At night, if I’m not squatting in random abandoned structures, I shoot time-lapse of the stars zooming overhead.
When I return to the city I have two things: 1) a body that feels like a mean, mean man has worked it over with a baseball bat, and 2) thousands and thousands of high resolution photographs, which I use to make videos.”
Image © Jeff Frost
Image © Jeff Frost
Image © Jeff Frost
Image © Jeff Frost
Image © Jeff Frost
Learn more about Jeff Frost on his website and follow him on Twitter
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