All posts tagged: ThinkSpace

Brother Can You Spare a Wheat-Paste Virtuoso?

Or Two?

Okay, sorry to gush. Armsrock pounced into ThinkSpace a few days ago and immediately started flowing with the free hand and the human condition, deftly rendering an apprehended chap in handcuffs.

Doing it from Memory (Armsrock) (photo ThinkSpace)
Doing it from Memory (Armsrock) (photo ThinkSpace)

After a dust-bowl migration in his old jalopy across the obamanation, Elbow-Toe has arrived with his bended cast of curious paper friends.

"Brother Can You Spare a Dime" (Elbow-Toe)  (photo ThinkSpace)
Brother Can You Spare an Upright Piano? (Elbow-Toe) (photo ThinkSpace)

One of the ThinkSpace founders, Andrew Hosner, is a bit bowled over; “Get ready to be in awe. Both ARMSROCK and ELBOW-TOE have taken their work to another level, both in terms of size and presentation, and skill and vision. A visual overload awaits.”

The show opens this Friday. More details HERE.




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