Happy Holidays! We’re celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of the next by thanking BSA readers, friends, and family for all of your support in 2022. We have selected some of our favorite shots by our Editor of Photography, Jaime Rojo, and we’re sharing a new one every day to celebrate all our good times together, our hope for the future, and our love for the street.
Nothing like a snowstorm to bring out the graffiti!
Something about the excitement of a winter squall that feeds the air with electricity and sends writers reaching for their cans. Maybe it’s because police and road crews are too busy clearing streets and sidewalks, but for some reason, you’ll see a tempest of text on walls when winter’s storms roll through. The work is often dashed off and possibly unfinished – and it can be funny too.
It is a ‘snow day’ after all.

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