White Cocoa “Self Portrait” (image courtesy of the gallery)
‘Picks of the Harvest 2012’
Reception with the artists: Saturday, March 3rd from 5 to 8PM
On view March 3rd through March 24th
Picks of the Harvest 2012 will showcase numerous artists we’ve had our eye on over the past year exhibited alongside new works from several of our regular Thinkspace family members. Showcasing work from over 60 artists from all walks of life from around the world, Picks of the Harvest 2012 aims to shine a light on some of the most exciting young contemporary artists in our movement.
Adam Caldwell www.adamhuntercaldwell.com/
Anthony Clarkson www.anthonyclarksonart.com
Ariel DeAndrea http://arieldeandrea.wordpress.com/
Brooke Grucella www.phoenixartspace.com/members/504 Caitlin Hackett http://caitlinhackett.carbonmade.com/ Christina Mrozik http://christinamrozik.com/
Craig “Skibs” Barker www.skibsart.com
DABS MYLA www.dabsmyla.com
DAL www.daleast.com
Dan Lydersen www.danlydersen.com/
Darla Jackson http://darlajacksonsculpture.com/home.html David Cooley www.davidcooleyart.com/
David MacDowell www.macdowellstudio.com/
David Walker http://artofdavidwalker.com/home.html
Drew Young http://dyoung.co/
Elliot Brown http://elliotbrownstudio.com/
Elliot Jackson http://elliotjacksonsculpture.squarespace.com/ Emma Tooth www.emmatooth.co.uk/
Erik Siador www.eriksiador.com/
Euth http://hauntedeuth.com/home.html
Frank Gonzales http://frankgonzales.net/home.html
Glenn Arthur http://glennarthurart.blogspot.com/
Hugh Leeman http://hughleeman.com/
Jason Thielke www.jasonthielke.com/
Jason Yarmosky http://jasonyarmosky.com/ Jeff Ramirez http://jefframirez.com/
Jeni Yang www.jeniyang.com/
Jeremy Enicio http://jenecio.com/
Jeremy Hush http://hushillustration.blogspot.com/
Jessamyn Patterson www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.149019655111286.26291.1485148584950 99&type=3
Jesse Hotchkiss www.jessehotchkiss.com/
Jessica Hess http://jessicahess.com/
Joey Leung Ka-Yin www.leungkayin.com/artwork.htm
John Malloy http://johnmalloy.com/
Jolene Lai www.enelojial.com/
Julie West www.juliewest.com/
Katherine Brannock www.katherinebrannock.com/
KNOW HOPE http://thisislimbo.com/
La Pandilla www.la-pandilla.com/
Laura Bifano http://laurabifano.com/
Linnea Strid www.linneastrid.se/
Liqen http://liqen.wordpress.com/
Luke Kopycinski http://koppa.carbonmade.com/projects/2184226 Mari Inukai www.mariinukai.com/
Mary Iverson www.maryiverson.com
Matt Doust http://tinyurl.com/7l6qhc3
Matthew Grabelsky www.grabelsky.com/
Megan Wolfe http://megwolfe.net/
Meggs http://houseofmeggs.com/
Michael Ramstead www.michaelramstead.com/
Michael Shapcott www.michael-shapcott.com/
Mike Egan www.eganpaintings.com/
Nathan DeYoung www.nathandeyoung.com/#home
Nicholas Bohac http://nicholasbohac.com/
N.S. David http://nsdavid.livejournal.com/
Pedro Matos http://pedromatos.org/
Rodrigo Luff http://artofrodrigo.blogspot.com/
Sarah Muirhead http://cargocollective.com/sarahmuirhead/ Scott Listfield www.astronautdinosaur.com/
Sean Mahan http://seanmahanart.com/
Serge Gay Jr. http://sergegayjr.com/
Shark Toof http://sharktoof.com/
Soey Milk http://milkbomb.blogspot.com/
Stephanie Buer http://stephaniebuer.com/
The Yok www.theyok.com/
Tony Philippou www.tonyphilippou.com/
White Cocoa http://dearcatherine.com/
Winnie Truong www.winnietruong.com/
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