Faile. “Fragments of Faile” Studio process shot. (photo © courtesy of Faile)
From Lazarides press release:
“Over the course of the past decade, FAILE developed an artistic practice inflected with remixes of mass culture, and built on careful juxtapositions of seeming dualities. Fragments of FAILE allows us to see them working at one frontier of their practice, stripping their painting down to its essentials and engaging a century of the more expressive terrain of abstract portraiture.
This suite of new works provides an intimate counterpart to FAILE’s recent large-scale explorations of religious motifs while drawing out less obvious threads in their practice, from subtle gradations of color and pattern to a conscious removal of clear identities in order to explore archetypical structures beneath.
Assembled from the artists’ own archive, Fragments of FAILE represents not a radical departure, but a rare opportunity to see their iconic practice anew.”
Faile. “Fragments of Faile” Studio process shot. (photo © courtesy of Faile)
Faile. “Fragments of Faile” Studio process shot. (photo © courtesy of Faile)
Faile. “Fragments of Faile” (photo © courtesy of Faile)
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