myplasticheart and Matt Siren presents Ghost in the Machine, a custom toy show dedicated to Matt’s iconic Ghost Girl figure. Twenty-five artists have been chosen by Matt to transform and put their own unique spin on his character. This talented group consists of seasoned street artists, painters, illustrators, and top-notch customizers. Join us for the festivities on Friday May 13th from 6-9pm. Many of the participating artists will be in attendance.
Also making its debut on opening night will be the Do-It-Yourself version of Ghost Girl available for purchase for the first time… a perfect blank canvas for those who want to try their hand at customizing a Ghost Girl of their own.
Artist List:
Royce Bannon
Steve Chanks
Dril One
Abe Lincoln Jr.
Map Map
Brent Nolasco
Lou Pimentel
Marc Reusser
Todd Robertson
Robots Will Kill
Chris Ryniak
Matt Siren
Scott Tolleson
Julie West
Curated by Matt Siren
210 Forsyth St.
Lower East Side
New York
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