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Bill Posters knows his street art and activism history. From Beuys' practice of ‘social sculpture’ and John Fekner’s blunt upbraiding of urban planning hypocrisies to AIDS activists using street a...
Bill Posters knows his street art and activism history. From Beuys' practice of ‘social sculpture’ and John Fekner’s blunt upbraiding of urban planning hypocrisies to AIDS activists using street a...
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INDECLINE Creates QAnon Easter Egg Hunts in DC Parks for a Surreal Holiday Prank
The era of fractured attention spans, heightened emotions, and ravaged hierarchical systems for ordering institutions, beliefs, and the truth is ripe for examination and dissection - even if it takes...
The era of fractured attention spans, heightened emotions, and ravaged hierarchical systems for ordering institutions, beliefs, and the truth is ripe for examination and dissection - even if it takes...
Urvanity Madrid 2020: Outdoor Installations Soft and Hard
The body as an object. The body as a sexual object. The body objectified. Combine these notions with soft sculpture in a public space and you will begin to experience Junja Jankovic’s new work in...
The body as an object. The body as a sexual object. The body objectified. Combine these notions with soft sculpture in a public space and you will begin to experience Junja Jankovic’s new work in...
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If you ever wonder who the government actually is, take a look under the highway of Toronto. You’ll see there that it is the people, as in We The People, who are holding up the roads in Underpass Park...