Projekt Projektor was this weekend
and we had such a blast with all the fun art fans on the streets of Dumbo for the Dumbo Under the Bridge Festival. Over the 3 day event it is estimated that 150,000 people flood through the neighborhood to see artist studios, galleries, and multitudes of public art installations. Together with mind-bendingly talented projectionists Josh Ott (SuperDraw), Jeremy Slater, SeeJ, and The Housewive’s Guide to Anatomy, Brooklyn Street Art projected images from the book and others from the booming scene by Jaime Rojo onto the side of the Manhattan Bridge, among other architectural surfaces.
The definition of street art was expanded again – mounted at Halcyon on the Pearl Street Triangle, with a live soundtrack performed by four New York electronic DJ’s streaming live on
Housewife’s Guide to Anatomy
Jeremy Slater
Current.TV sponsored the Under the Bridge Festival -Current.TV did a rocking review of our Book “Brooklyn Street Art”
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