November 3-5, 2011
The Winter Garden at the World Financial Center New York City
Pongtopia! is presented by Brookfield Office Properties, in partnership
with SPiN Galactic. A dynamic three-day event combining the sport and
art of table tennis with the spirit of charity and education.
Given the recent increase in popularity of America’s favorite pastime,
Brookfield, SPiN and Operation Design are working together to showcase
this popular sport as never before — with world-class pros and
celebrities battling it out, as the New York area’s most amazing players
compete for the Brookfield Cup.
Street artist Billi Kid, of Public Works Department, will curate the
artistic components of the event, an incredible trove of one-of-a-kind
pieces of artwork and a live auction to be held on Thursday, November
3rd. Pongtopia! will display extraordinary, creatively painted Ping-Pong
tables and paddles by high-profile street and graffiti artists. Each
piece of table-tennis art will be available for purchase and proceeds
will go to support creative programs in selected New York City public
schools through Operation Design.
Cope2, Cern, Shiro, Joe Iurato and Billi Kid
With Contributed Works by
ART ¹, Blip, Buildmore, Cake, Carly Ivan Garcia, ChrisRWK, COL Wallnuts,
CzrVII, David Cooper, Dashdoe, Dave Warnke, Dint Wooer Krsna, El Celso,
Elijah Arts, Franck de Las Mercedes, Frost215, Fumero, Geoff Hargadon,
Ian Ross, Indie, Jaxiejax Art, Jim McHugh, Mike Die, NohJColey, Peat
Wollaeger, Peru Ana Ana Peru, Question Josh?, Rednose, Sand One, Seamo,
Street Grapes, Ticky Tock, UWP (UnderWaterPirates), VengRWK and ZAM
Shiro “My Way” (photo © Billi Kid Flickr)
To see images of the complete set of tables and padles click on the link below:
For more information regarding this event click on the link below:
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