Rene Almanza
R e n e A l m a n z a (México) . S o l o S h o w
paintings . drawings . graphics
Vernissage June 10th from 7.30 till 10 pm
RAS Gallery Barcelona . Carrer Doctor Dou 10
From Monterrey Mexico and for the very first time in Europe, the work
of Rene Almanza arrives to RAS Gallery Barcelona. Convoluted lines
that show but also hide faces, bodies and animals, extracted from the
many worlds that Rene Almanza materializes melting his own urban and
poetic influences, mark the artist solo exhibition.
The paintings, drawings and graphic works presented review a wide
range of prices, inviting all art lovers to take one of Rene Almanza’s
unique works home.
” Every time I see the work of Rene Almanza I feel a mixture of love and hate.
I realize that he is a quiet person in whose drawings lives some a kind of
struggle with the paper that gives life to his strokes, making it sometimes, to
seem to go beyond the square surface limits. ”
Herbert Baglione
– Presents from the artist to the first 150 guests
– Oficial video, pictures, press-kits and more info more information on
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