The Bearded Brooklyn Brotherman Readies His Solo Show at Galerie Itinerrance
Sunday afternoon stencil artist Logan Hicks had to “take it outside” – so often the case with artists who use cans to create.
His intricately cut stencils were there for any passerby to see as Logan set up shop on the street, carefully placing layer after layer, strategically sticking a bit of blue gaffers tape here and there to keep them in place, and wielding well-rendered plumes of colored aerosol above the templates to fill the empty shapes.
Logan Hicks
Logan Hicks
By nightfall he finished preparing his latest pieces, including his near classic “The Long Road” and a new addition “Life Line”. Today he’s taking it inside to paint a mural inside the gallery.
Galerie Itinerrance
(images courtesy of and copyright of Itinerrance and Logan Hicks)
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