All posts tagged: Zabou

“Hit The North” Belfast 2024: Completed Murals, Part 1

“Hit The North” Belfast 2024: Completed Murals, Part 1

Fast and furious, that’s how the neighborhood filled with people – and how the paint hit the walls yesterday. Returning today long after the aerosol cloud dissipated, we discover so many things the first time we missed. In truth, it wasn’t all finished when we left earlier, and the artworks came to life while we were gone. Some even climbed walls. Here’s a quick rundown of the first few that we capture in their entirety, as artists for this years’ ‘Hit the North’ boarded planes, trains, and automobiles to places in the country and out – leaving behind a stunning array of new pieces in Belfasts’ Cathedral Quarter.

Vibes. Odisy. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

A dynamic duo whose steps are in sync, Vibes has the style and the letters, and Odisy wows with the characters precisely drawn. Together this London based team show you how their world pops off the wall like a page from your favorite graphic novel. With solid skills in graffiti for years, it is good to see such a shared dedication to the culture and an updated version of it as well.

Vibes. Odisy. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Perspicere. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Perspicere, a leading figure in East London’s street art scene, mesmerizes with his enchanting string portraits and large-scale installations. Using single long threads, he creates intricate, nostalgic narratives that evoke themes of vulnerability and self-discovery. With exhibitions in galleries, museums, and street art festivals, Perspicere’s work continues to captivate audiences with a live-action technique that borders on sorcery.

Perspicere. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Perspicere. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Zabou. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Zabou. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Zabou, a French street artist based in London, specializes in realistic black and white portraits, skillfully capturing expression and emotions with her subjects. With over a decade of experience, she has created about 250 large-scale murals across 22 countries, infusing each piece with inspiration drawn from everyday life in the surrounding environment. Contemporary and universal, it remains human.

Lidia Cao. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

The Spain-based Lidia Cao is a contemporary artist  favoring emotive paintings that explore themes of identity, memory, and connection. Introspection rules the day, as do her tight lines and bold colors.

Sr. Papá Chango. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Sr. Papá Chango is a Mexican artist based in Berlin. He often paints vibrant realms of his own construction and everyday scenes, merging his fantastical characters with otherwise mundane scenes or offbeat scenes imbued with a hint of baroque opulence.

Sr. Papá Chango. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Pens. KVLR. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Entertaining illustrator of characters and large-scale and loved Belfast muralist Kev Largey took on a rollikick horizontal strip with his buddy Pens to liven up the corner here at Hit the North.

Veks Van Hillik. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Veks Van Hillik is a French street artist known for his captivating and surreal murals, draws inspiration from nature (often fish), pop culture, and art history. His unique style, influenced by artists like Gustave Doré and Salvador Dalí, features intricate details, richly warmed colors, painterly strokes, and fantastical creatures. Based in Toulouse, Hillik has left his mark on cities across Europe with his paintings, aiming to evoke emotion and curiosity while inviting viewers into a world of boundless imagination.

Veks Van Hillik. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Veks Van Hillik. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
EOIN. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Eoin, an enigmatic artist with roots in 90s-era graffiti, has also roamed the globe, adorning walls across four continents with his mesmerizing anamorphia and energetic abstraction. With training in Fine Art Sculpture from the UK, he delved into painting in the city’s margins, drawn to abandoned sites and the allure of vast outdoor canvases. While his outdoor escapades once took center stage, he now crafts a harmonious fusion between his street art adventures and his studio explorations, weaving together a narrative that crosses boundaries.

FGB. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Hurmorous FGB – or Francois Got Buffed, is an artist in Belfast known for his versatility in illustration, painting, and cartoon art. His vibrant use of colors and tightly rendered outlines immediately draw attention, creating visual entertainment that conveys narratives or roundabout societal commentary. Through his art, FGB sometimes brings attention to overlooked or disregarded issues, connecting with viewers of all demographics and leaving a lasting impact with his ability to engage audiences regardless of background.

FGB. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Kitsune. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Kitsune Jolene, born Jolien De Waele in Ghent, Belgium, has a background in Visual Art & Architecture and experience assisting others on the street art scene. She embraced spray paint in 2017 and has expanded her reach from Belgium to Portugal and Dubai. Her portraits of women, animals, and nature reference myths, dreams, and folkloric storytelling.

Decoy. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Decoy likes big walls for his flat graphic abstract and plenty of the current palettes for illustration-style rendering. From Cork, Decoy can tell the real thing from a facsimile easily…

Friz. Hit The North Festival. Belfast 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Friz, originally from Sligo, on the northwest (Atlantic) coast of Ireland, is a visual artist currently based in Bangor, Co. Down. Working fluently across both digital and traditional mediums, she adeptly blends aerosols and acrylics to realize her creations, adjusting her technique to suit the canvas at hand. Her art delves deep into the layers of history, myths, and folklore, serving as a conduit for cultural exploration and enlightenment. Her portfolio often concerns formidable female figures and their interconnectedness with the natural world, offering reflection and aspiration.

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Paris Dispatch 2 : C215 and the Guys on the Street

Paris Dispatch 2 : C215 and the Guys on the Street

We return today to the streets of Paris for Dispatch 2 with Norwegian photographer Tor Staale Moen, who tells us that the streets are alive with stencils and aerosol paintings as much as ever. Our first Paris report a couple of days ago focused on the presentation of the female form and energy by street artist in this city. Today, it’s time for the guys.

Here we begin with one of the country’s most well-known stencil masters, C215. His portraits of unknown street dwellers, as well as important historical figures, have graced walls, mailboxes… even national postal stamps. Here C215 honors the memory of a French son of a Polish immigrant to France during the second world war, Samuel Émile Adoner (known as Milo Adoner). Deported with 7 members of his family by convoy in 1942 from the Drancy camp to Auschwitz, he was the only one to survive the Holocaust- along with an older sister who was not deported. With the help of activists and historians and artists like C215, the street can be a platform for the open exchange of ideas – and histories.

C215 (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Jef Aerosol (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Zabou (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Carrasco (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Saucelab (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Jace Ticot (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
We are crediting this work to an unidentified artist. The work itself is signed but we can’t decode the signature. (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Falco (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
13bis (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Kurt Cobain rocking in the phone booth. D7606 (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
NO (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
A vintage Invader (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Invader (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
Invader (photo © Tor Staale Moen)
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GarGar Festival Penelles Mounts the Show Slow in 2021

GarGar Festival Penelles Mounts the Show Slow in 2021

It’s been a struggle to mount art events in the last year and a half for many reasons. That includes the 6th edition of GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival in Penelles, Spain.

Malpegados. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)

Instead of grouping all the artists and events and fans together for one short period of high activity, the organizers this year decided “to progressively invite the artists in smaller numbers so they could paint more confidently and feel protected from the virus.”

Now that all the 2021 murals have been painted, BSA collaborator Lluis Olive-Bulbena traveled an hour and a half from Barcelona to capture fresh paint! We thank him and we invite you to enjoy GarGar!

Inspiring Bricks. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Miles Elah. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Miles Elah. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Miles Elah. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Miles Elah. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Duo Amazonas. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Harry Bones. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Harry Bones. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Harry Bones. Zabou. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Harry Bones. Zabou. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
SAV45. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
SAV45. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Mateu Targa. Detail. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Geiser. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
DIL. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Musa. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Mina Hamada & Zosen. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Mina Hamada & Zosen. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Wedo. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Pablo Astrain. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Pablo Astrain. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)
Tope. GarGar Murals and Rural Art Festival 2021. Penelles, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive-Bulbena)

Click HERE to learn more about GarGar Festival.

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BSA Images of the Week 02.23.20 – Berlin Special

BSA Images of the Week 02.23.20 – Berlin Special

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Welcome to BSA Images of the Week!

People came together at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to remember the victims of a racist attack in Hanau this week, vowing to stem the tide of right-wing movements in Germany and elsewhere. The more you see the remnants of the ugly past rearing their heads, the more determined we will all have to be to unify and celebrate our differences and similarities with equal enthusiasm.

Another promising sign of unity and community for us was the opening for the showcase of works donated by artists to benefit Daniel Weissbach aka DTAGNO aka COST88 in Berlin on Friday night. The musical/art-making performances were enervating and stirring – and there were so many people that the crowd on the sidewalk outnumbered the crowd in the gallery area. Please support – The online auction starts tonight and is refreshed with a new collection of art pieces donated by the old skool and new in a hybrid of genres. Please check out

We also saw this incredibly well designed and curated show called WALLS at Urban Spree – with powerhouse names in graffiti, street art, contemporary art, and even a couple of pieces of antiquity, all examining the implications and ramifications of figurative and literal walls. The essays in the small catalogue further explore. More on this show later here but please go see it if you can.

One big find this week was this amazing collaboration of pieces on a wall with OS Gemeos and various other dignitaries atop an art supply store in a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. Hope you enjoy the show here from our Director of Photography, Jaime Rojo.

Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring 1Up Crew, Berlinsky, Black Land, Daze, ISE.THR, Kevle, Marina Zumi, Mira, Mode2, Os Gemeos, Shine, TFB, The Birds, VLK, WENU, and Zabou.

Os Gemeos, 1UP Crew, ISE.THR, WENU, The Birds The Birds. Detail. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Os Gemeos, 1UP Crew, ISE.THR, WENU, The Birds The Birds. Detail. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Os Gemeos, 1UP Crew, ISE.THR, WENU, The Birds The Birds. Detail. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Os Gemeos, 1UP Crew, ISE.THR, WENU, The Birds The Birds. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Mira. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
TFB – VLK. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Marina Zumi. Urban Spree. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
BERLINSKY. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artist. Detail. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artist. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
SHINE. Urban Spree. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artist. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artists. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Kevle. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Zabou. Urban Spree. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Mode2 collaboration with Daze. Urban Spree. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Black Land. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
We were told that there was a fox living in the gardens right outside of our hotel…we never saw her but we found one in the bathrooms at Urban Spree. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
We love this piece but can’t completely read it. Help, please. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Here’s the spirit in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
A selection of artists that we don’t recognize in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artists. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artists. Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
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BSA Images Of The Week: 04.17.16

BSA Images Of The Week: 04.17.16



Hillary Clinton announced in Brooklyn this week that she supports raising the minimum wage to $250,000 a speech while Bernie Sanders scoped around the showroom of a Danish furniture designer in the Brooklyn Navy Yard to order a new blond wood desk and chair for the Oval Office. The two sparred live on national TV from Brooklyn Thursday but you couldn’t tell they were in the BK because the CNN logos engulfed the screen and candidates and the actual citizens were reduced to a babbling rabble who hooted and hollered like sports fans somewhere in the dark. Wonder how long CNN intends to have their brand new warehouse-sized logo beaming across the river at Manhattan.

Meanwhile, on the streets here it is pretty evident who many New Yorkers favor and the majority of new Street Art pieces and graffiti pieces are feeling the Bern. It’s true, we tend to hang out with artists, creatives, punks, hippies, and assorted wild-eyed weirdos – so its not exactly a true cross-section, but Clinton fans are not making much art on the streets. Possibly that is because level-headed reasonable people don’t feel the need to express their support for her so loudly and visibly. It will be interesting to see if Big Media predictions of a 17% Clinton lead are true by Wednesday morning. The Wall Street Journal seems to be banking on it.

Trump is #1 in NYC for the Republicans, presumably because of “New York values”.

So here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring Caratoes, Elle, Ever Siempre, Faust, Flood, Icy & Sot, Lola Jiblazee, Lora Zombie, Nafir, Shantell Martin, Stuart Ringholt, Thiago Goms, Thievin’ Stephen, Thomas Allen, TriHumph, Vandal Expressionism, Vanesa Longchamp, Vexta, You Go Girl!, and Zabou.

Our top image: Nafir for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Nafir for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Icy & Sot . Nafir for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Thomas Allen (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Flood (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Vandal Expressionism (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Thievin’ Stephen in Rochester, NY. (photo © Thievin’ Stephen)


Lola Jiblazee (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)


TriHumph styles Bernie as Bowie. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


EverSiempre in Ostend, Belgium for Crystal Ship Fest 2016. (photo © EverSiempre)

“Homage to the Past and Future”

The city of Oostende began its great reforms in 1883. King Leopold II earned the nickname the “constructor” for his contribution to public works. These reforms were possible thanks to the large profits that were made from the king’s colony, an area sixty times larger than Belguim: the Congo. In the Congo, rubber was a resource that became precious because of its use in the automotive and bicycle industries. The king imposed high quotas on rubber production in the Congo and forced the indigenous population to comply using coercive methods and extreme violence. It is estimated that during Leopold’s years of domination about ten million natives were killed in the Congo.

“Homage to the Past and Future” is a work that talks about the heavy legacy of the past, about how societies live with the consequences of those that came before and how they build their current reality to be better. The mural is located at the urban entrance to the city, a work that perhaps Leopoldo II had not imagined at the gates of the resort town. Today, the reality is different; diversity flourishes in the city and the image is of a resident of Oostende. Humans learn from their mistakes and the future will always be better if our present remembers and pays homage to the real heroes.”



Faust. Shantell Martin (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Zabou for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Caratoes for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Stuart Ringholt (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Stuart Ringholt (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Stuart Ringholt (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Stuart Ringholt (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Stuart Ringholt (photo © Jaime Rojo)


You Go Girl (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Elle for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Vexta for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Lora Zombie for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Vanesa Longchamp for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


GOMS for Urban Nation Museum Of Urban Contemporary Art in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Untitled. SOHO, NYC. Spring 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

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London Walls in Conjunction with Saatchi “XX: A Moment in Time”

London Walls in Conjunction with Saatchi “XX: A Moment in Time”

New murals today in London in conjunction with the Olly Walker curated “XX: A Moment in Time” show at Saatchi Gallery, which is now running until March 6. The all-female show highlights the depth of field that has emerged during these last few years with formally trained artists of many disciplines explanding the definitions of contemporary art and Street Art.


Elle (photo © Allison Crawbuck)

A mix of emerging and established, the show brings in an international selection of artists, including: Aiko (Japan/USA), Alice Pasquini (Italy), Caratoes (Belgium/Hong Kong), Crajes (Spain), Elle (USA), Faith47 (South Africa), Handiedan (Netherlands), Hera (Germany), Hueman (USA), Lora Zombie (Russia), Madamoiselle Maurice (France), Marina Zumi (Argentina), Martha Cooper (USA), Mimi S (Germany), Miss Van (France), Olek (Poland), Sandra Chevrier (Canada), Vexta (Australia) and Zabou (France).


Elle (photo © Allison Crawbuck)

Here we see new walls by Elle, Zabou, Marina Zumi, Himbad, and Alice Pasquini.

“XX: A Moment in Time”  is curated by Olly Walker of Ollystudio and is supported by Yasha Young. The exhibition is on view in the Prints & Originals Gallery at the Saatchi Gallery from until March 6. Please check the Saatchi Gallery homepage for some closure days in February and see the additional pieces available online.


Elle (photo © Allison Crawbuck)


Zabou (photo courtesy of Zabou)


Zabou (photo © Allison Crawbuck)


Zabou (photo © Zabou)


Marina Zumi (photo courtesy of Marina Zumi)


Marina Zumi (photo courtesy of Marina Zumi)


Himbad and Marina Zumi (photo courtesy of Marina Zumi)


Alice Pasquini (photo © Jessica Stewart)


Alice Pasquini (photo © Jessica Stewart)


Alice Pasquini (photo © Jessica Stewart)


Alice Pasquini (photo © Jessica Stewart)


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