The mysterious, trouble-making, wise-cracking, sporty, surfing graffiti-street-art-fine-art duo Yok & Sheryo haven’t graced our pages since pre-pandemic days, which may as well be the Paleolithic Period. With some relief, we report that they are alive and making temples thank god, and now showing one of their most grand upon a sea of red shag carpeting in Perth.
“We escaped to a world of our own,” they tell us, “a mysterious sweltering tropical island with everything we’d ever wanted; killer surf, cold beers, lush, unique flora and fauna with quirky customs, culture, folklore and mythology stories”

Indeed the sun-bleached white and burning blood red-themed installation with The Art Gallery of Western Australia is replete with the eclectic ideas and items that have thrilled Y&S fans for well over a decade.
“There is so much to tell you, where do we even start?,” they exclaim. Begin at the beginning darling, that always seems like a good strategy. “We named it “Yeahnahnesia”, says Sheryo. “It’s our biggest installation to date,” says Yok.

It all makes sense as you wend your way (without shoes, please) around this “Temple of Frivolous Wishes” high on hallucinogenics. There’s the Banana Boner Incense Burner. Hanging up above is The Cool “S. Nearly hidden over here is the Pig-Nose Dragon Cup Thing. Should you get the munchies, you can order snacks from a price menu listing delicacies such as Dragons Claw and Vegemite Toast.
A suave music impresario/high school science teacher will lead you through the offerings in the video below. Maybe later, he’ll invite you to stop by his place for a Pina Colada and to check out his new 2-person Pong video game on the TV – or perhaps take a ride on his velour-covered waterbed.

Still have questions about what Yeahnahnesia is? All the mysteries, culture, and symbology are documented in this exquisitely designed 108-page, full-color, hard-cover scientific journal. Island of Yeahnahnesia, Vol 1. A welcome addition to any lord of the leisures lounge room.

Buy the book here. Or you can buy an Artist Proof HERE or a screen print HERE