All posts tagged: Pablo Aravena

So Much More Than Style: “Chile Estyle” Tells a People’s History at World Premiere in NYC

So Much More Than Style: “Chile Estyle” Tells a People’s History at World Premiere in NYC

Making its World Premiere in New York at the Urban World Film Festival this month (Oct 26-30), Chile Estyle testifies to the powerful role street art, graffiti, and political muralism have had on city citizens for decades.

Santiago de Chile has been cited for years as an international progenitor of political and consequential street art – owing perhaps to its muralism advocating social change as early as the 1960s in parallel with the student movement in Paris and the birth of graffiti movements in Philadelphia and New York. The documentary illustrates how pro-public antecedents like Mexican muralists shaped what was to come – including David Alfaro Siqueiros, who used walls to converse with the citizenry in the 1930s and 40s at home and in Chile.

Drawing a narrative line from supporting indigenous and working people to the Ramona Parra Brigade of political painting during Pinochet´s dictatorship, to the pixaçao scene in Brazil, and to the stencil culture in Argentina, you see the forces inspiring all manner of grafiteros to make their mark in Santiago, Valparaiso, and other regions of the country. With a sense of conviction, Chile Estyle shows that many origins of this global movement went far beyond style.

To give context to the gravitas driving the movement, the movie includes interviews and profiles of people like  Brigadas Ramona Parra founder Mono González, American urban culture photographer and videographer Henry Chalfant, graffiti pioneers Cekis and Sick, indigenous Mapuche artist collectives Alapinta and Aner & Tikay. It also certifies a gender counterbalance in a scene often stereotyped as ‘boys only’ with a look at the powerful women’s street culture movement courtesy Bisy, Juana Perez and Anis.

Chile Estyle: The History Of Street Art In Chile. A film by Pablo Aravena. (photo still from the movie courtesy of Hard Bop Films)

With Chile Estyle the documentary filmmaker Pablo Aravena directs viewers toward a richer appreciation for the spirit and motivation that drives Chile’s unique street art tradition; a veritable remix of style and substance foretelling the global/local nature of today’s art-in-the-streets.

We’re told that Mr. Aravena will be in attendance for the opening on October 29th, along with some special guests. We will not miss this one. New York graffiti old skoolers like to say, “know your history.” Serious heads will not miss this greater expanse of history either.

Chile Estyle: The History Of Street Art In Chile. A film by Pablo Aravena. (photo still from the movie courtesy of Hard Bop Films)


“Chile Estyle” @chileestyle World Premiere at  @urbanworldff Urbanworld Film Festival 2022 October 26-30 happening in New York City! 

Chile Estyle Screening date:

Sat, Oct 29th, 4:45 PM @ Cinépolis – Theater 9


260 W 23rd St, New York, NY 10011

Order your tickets


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BSA Film Friday: 12.04.15

BSA Film Friday: 12.04.15

Brooklyn-Street-Art-Brandalism-Cop21-Dec4-2015-740-Screen Shot 2015-12-03 at 10.35.58 PM



Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.

Now screening :

1. Brandalism Takes Over Bus Stops to Counter Cop21 Misinformation
2. OLEK Working Women
3. Madame Edwarda: R.ö vs Höy
4. Lilys – High Writer at Home by Joey Garfiled and Stephen Powers
5. Miss Me By Pablo Aravena
6. So Much Winning! So Much! Head Spinning Winning!



BSA Special Feature: Brandalism Takes Over Bus Stops to Counter Cop21 Misinformation

Misinformation is an entire industry today. It’s goal is usually not to make you active, but make you passive.

Here is a brief intro video about Brandalism’s answer to UN COP21 – and the first of what will surely be more videos about this massive effort by 82 Artists from 19 different countries to take back public space and the public dialogue about climate change from those who are skillfully employing misinformation and bending laws to enable them to continue making money at all costs.  “Two days before the launch of the UN COP21 Climate Conference, 600 posters were installed in outdoor media spaces across Paris – to challenge the corporate takeover of COP21 and to reveal the connections between advertising, the promotion of consumerism and climate change.”


OLEK Working Women

A new conceptual performance piece by OLEK and a troupe of Olekians on a sunny day in Union Square.

“The artwork is destroyed as it is created, and created out of its own destruction in an infinite loop. Like the perpetual punishments of Sisyphus or Prometheus, a woman’s work is never finished. Subject and object, static and metamorphic, old and new, enduring and fleeting, public and private, concealed and revealed, traditional and innovative, decay and renewal, are all interchangeable.”


Madame Edwarda: R.ö vs Höy

“Why do you do that – you see, she said, I am God.”
But seriously, this is really scored well, even if we don’t know what it is about. Something related to cutting off your head during coitus. Not your average Friday, is it?



Lilys – High Writer at Home by Joey Garfiled and Stephen Powers

Out of print for 20 years, this newly re-released album is coupled with Stephen Powers’ project “A Love Letter to Philadelphia” from a couple years back. As you get carried my the haze of the soundtrack you will swear that these two projects were originally with each other in mind.

“From the limited 21st anniversary vinyl LP pressing of the 1994 album, Eccsame the Photon Band – Lilys’ etheric second full-length album has become a shoegaze collector’s favorite.”

Also don’t miss Stephen Powers’ new installation at the Brooklyn Museum now on view. >>> Coney Island Dreaming: Following The Signs To Stephen Powers


Miss Me By Pablo Aravena

“When I started going on the streets, it just felt like the ultimate cry for freedom” says Montreal based Miss Me.

So Much Winning! So Much! Head-Spinning Winning!

Yes, you knew something sounded familiar. Those are your drunk neighbors winning over there. More biting revelatory critique than an hour and half of SNL, frankly.

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BSA Film Friday 09.06.13

BSA Film Friday 09.06.13




Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.

Now screening:Narcelio Grud “Bus Stop Sound”, Pablo Aravena “Time Wastes For Nobody”, Dan Witz – Light Star Express, El Ton0 – Random Mural Painting, and Mimi The Clown is a Rock Star .

BSA Special Feature: Narcelio Grud
Bus Stop Sound

Narcelio Grud knows how to experiment – in fact his primary driving force as a Street Artist is to innovate and discover. Released earlier this summer, this new video details the refurbishing of a bus stop with musical instrumentation. Not only does Mr. Grud and his assistant reconfigure the bus stop in broad daylight while people are standing in line and waiting, there is a natural curiosity and interaction alerted at the prospect of beating a drum.


Pablo Aravena “Time Wastes For Nobody”

Ripo and She One are in Barcelona adorning the rubble, hidden from the main veins of commerce and the public stampede. Presented as a wistful tone poem, the sense of being there is as palpable as just the sense of being. This work is not opportunist as much as a concert, a collaborative trio – a destroyed building and two painters. It’s a moment caught, and lost.


Dan Witz – Light Star Express

A succinct overview with the artist of some of the projects on the street that he has executed including his “Wailing Walls” series of Street Art installations, his project called “WTF”, his 9/11 shrines and his masterful way with oils and glazes to create tableaus of glowing light – intimate moments of warm illumination.


El Ton0 – Random Mural Painting

An indoor mural incorporating the concept of randomness with 51 kids over 2 days creating 62 lines, which together create this mural with Street Artist El Tono at the International Montessori School of Beijing.

Mimi The Clown is a Rock Star

The French Street Artist continues to mess around with stencils and celebrity – his own. Set to a soundtrack of Ramones reprising the 1960s “Let’s Dance” Mimi cavorts with walls and gallery shows in makeup, a rare combination of performance, personality, and preening. A clown in the most serious sense, Mimi brings the tradition of public maudlin/comic performance and overlays it with the celebrity culture of the modern age, an entanglement that is difficult to decode.



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