All posts tagged: Otto Schade

“The Lady Don’t Protest Enough” in Shoreditch, by Otto Schade

“The Lady Don’t Protest Enough” in Shoreditch, by Otto Schade

The sight of this stylized skull may not have evoked the same reminiscence by Prince Hamlet as Yorick’s did but Street Artist Otto Schade brings it to London streets once again.

Otto OSCH Schade. “The Lady Don’t Protest Enough”. London. July 2018. (photo © Otto Schade)

The context is wholly appropriate for a city that summons the spirit of Shakespeare rather year round – including this summer from Hamlet at the Globe Theatre to Ian McKellen as the tragic King Lear at the Duke of York’s Theatre, and Regents Park gives you open air performances of As You Like It.

For Mr. Schade, this freehand painting is about protest and power, particularly as it refers to women. Here on Bateman’s Row in Shoreditch he turns another Hamlet phrase to title it, “The Lady Don’t Protest Enough”. Hethinks.

Otto OSCH Schade. “The Lady Don’t Protest Enough”. London. July 2018. (photo © Otto Schade)

Otto OSCH Schade. “The Lady Don’t Protest Enough”. London. July 2018. (photo © Otto Schade)

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BSA Images Of The Week: 01.07.18

BSA Images Of The Week: 01.07.18


Welcome back! This is our first Images of the Week in weeks! So much has changed since last year!

For example we had a Bomb Cyclone this week, which no one had ever heard of before. It sounded like it was made up for ratings on the Weather Channel which is still trying to give storms individual names and is still thought of as very dumb for doing so.

The winter bomb cyclone closed all the schools, chased cars and people off the streets. Jaime took the snowstorm opportunity to go to Central Park and shoot video till his battery died. Once the temperature dipped to 3 degrees farenheit (-14 celcius) with strong winds, seeing Street Art in New York was sort of something to do as you stumbled and slipped passed it in a hurry to the deli or laundromat or job if you work in medical services or drive a snow plow.

Luckily for us all, that was the only bomb we have had to deal with, but with the Very Stable Genius we have misleading the country, no one can say for sure for how long .

Here’s our weekly interview with the streets, this week featuring Ai Wei Wei, Baron Von Fancy, Bäst, Basto, Havoc Hendricks, Jimmy C, Juce Boks, Li-Hill, Otto Schade, Tinta Crua, Tomadee, Wane, Wk Interact, and Zola.

Top Image: Zola (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Tomadee (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Skewville (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Li-Hill for St Art Now in the LES. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Li-Hill for St Art Now in the LES. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Li-Hill for St Art Now in the LES. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Juce Boks phone booth ad takeover. This one was hand painted one of a kind…boom! (photo © Jaime Rojo)

WK Interact (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Baston (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Otto Schade for East Village Walls. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Wane (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Ai Weiwei. “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors”. Detail. NYC wide multimedia/multi site exhibition for Public Art Fund. Central Park, NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Ai Weiwei. “Good Fences Make Good Neighbors”. Detail. NYC wide multimedia/multi site exhibition for Public Art Fund. Central Park, NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Havoc Hendricks (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Fanakapan for East Village Walls. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Tinta Crua in Lisbon. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Baron Von Fancy (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Unidentified artists in Lisbon. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

CEBEP (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Jimmy C for The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Untitled. Bomb Cyclone of 2018. Central Park, NYC. January 2018. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

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BSA Images Of The Week: 07.30.17

BSA Images Of The Week: 07.30.17


We really dig these new collaged political cartoons that are on the street as quickly as the weeks news – each depicting one of the many rich white men who are impacting our minds and our bank accounts and our health and sense of security right now. Are we watching the White House or Good Fellas? The backstabbing, front stabbing, chicanery, and ongoing systemic tomfoolery makes you wonder who’s actually running things.

The news cycle is hourly it seems, with tweets and personnel changes and threats happening so fast that people are developing PTSD that is triggered by news alerts on the phone. We have to admire any Street Artist who tries to keep up with the developments and get their commentary on a wall.

Many young and old New Yorkers are wincing from high rent, high debts, crumbling infrastructure, and everyone is working longer hours, if they are lucky enough to work. Some just give up. Meanwhile the one plausible healthcare option that many have gained over the last handful of years? – the servants of the rich have been trying to stab it to death – but they couldn’t muster it this week. Even now – Trump says he’ll stand by and watch it die rather than improve it in any way. Have we ever had a leader who is so cynical?

Even Senator McCain – in our top image above – fresh off his tax-payer funded brain cancer surgery, waivered this week before providing the pivotal vote that saved healthcare for 20 million or so. Most GOP Senators ignored the majority of the US citizens who implored them to fix Obamacare not nix it. But their bank accounts proved far more important than our health. The rich and their corporations are flooding our entire political system and only after we get their money out would we be able to call the USA a democracy. Otherwise we are just fooling ourselves.

So here’s our weekly interview with the streets, this week featuring Bifido, El Sol 25, Jarus, London Kaye, Luna Park, Miss17, MSK, Myth, Otto Schade, Rime, SikaOne, Solus, Sonni, Spy33, and Wonderpuss Octopus.

Top image: Unidentified artist. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Unidentified artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Unidentified artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Sonni (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Solus for The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Sidka One (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Otto OSCH Schade “Taurus” in Shoreditch, London. (photo © Otto Osch Shade)

Otto OSCH Schade “Taurus” in Shoreditch, London. (photo © Otto Osch Shade)

Otto OSCH Schade paints a small Snoopy and Woodstock on a sunsent in Shoreditch, London. (photo © Otto Osch Shade)

London Kaye (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Unidentified artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Miss 17 with unidentified artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Rime . MSK (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Bifido for Oltremare Festival in San Cataldo, Italy. (photo © Bifido)

“In this area the government is building a gas pipeline and to do it they are cutting many olive trees. Part of the local economy is based on olive oil production, so people are fighting for preserve their lands and trees. I wanted to address this situation with my artwork.” -Bifido

Bifido for Oltremare Festival in San Cataldo, Italy. (photo © Bifido)

Bifido for Oltremare Festival in San Cataldo, Italy. (photo © Bifido)

Luna Park for #resistanceisfemale (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Myth (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Unidentified artist. We want to attribute this to Mr. Toll but we don’t think this is his work. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Jarus for Art Untied Us in Kiev. Ukraine. (photo © Iryna Kanishcheva)

“This mural depicts a woman sitting at the window sill and reaching outwards. Turning the wall into a window is a metaphor for opening your mind and heart towards new ideas and concepts. The woman is in a red dress because I felt it would compositionally fit into the area of the wall and surrounding buildings.”-Jarus

Jarus for Art Untied Us in Kiev. Ukraine. (photo © Iryna Kanishcheva)

El sol 25 (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Spy33 (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Wonderpuss Octopus (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Unidentified artist. Looks a lot like JMR work but we don’t think it is his. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Untitled. Boots on the NYC Subway. March, 2017. Manhattan, NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

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BSA’s 15 Most Popular Murals Of 2016 – A “Social” Survey

BSA’s 15 Most Popular Murals Of 2016 – A “Social” Survey


Murals have captured so much of the popular imagination about what the Street Art scene is today and although they may be part of the definition, murals remain only a part of the entire scene; a visual conversation that includes legal, illegal, small, anonymous, massive, deliberately confounding, low-energy scrawl, stickers, tags, poetry, diatribes, culture jamming, ad takeovers, sculpture, installations. Every week we aim to present a varied selection of expressions currently represented on the street, and then it is your turn to respond.

During 2016 BSA readers responded to images via our website, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbr, and Facebook pages. In a thoroughly unscientific survey that calculates “likes” and “clicks” and “re-Tweets” and “impressions”, we tallied up which murals (or images) got the most interest from you all. Care to read into the results?

The top 3 really sum it all up for 2016 and shouldn’t surprise us, but they still do; Militarism, Mis-information, and the Man of the Year.

If you ever doubted how much art on the street reflects the psyche of a society back to itself, no need to wonder anymore. If only we could read these tea-leaves and tell the future…

No 15.
David Choe’s Portrait Of Martha Cooper for Wynwood Walls / Art Basel 2016.


David Choe. Detail. Wynwood Walls / Art Basel 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Originally appearing here:


No 14
Plotbot Ken’s car installation on the Teufelsberg Hill in Berlin.


Plotbot Ken’s post-apocolyptic installation on a car at the abandoned NSA spy compound in Teufelsberg Hill in Berlin. Berlin, 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.


No 13
Faust and Shantell Martin in Manhattan, NY.


Handstyle and all New York, baby. Faust. Shantell Martin (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 12
Swoon in Brooklyn, NY.


One of Swoon’s new additions to the street in 2016 (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 11
ASTRO in East Harlem.


ASTRO in East Harlem for #NotACrime campaign in collaboration with Street Art Anarchy. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 10 
Nychos in Manhattan, NY.


More than his multiple murals published here this year, this sculpture on 23rd Street in Manhattan in the spring captured the imagination and gave his work an added dimension. Nychos. “Dissection of Sigmund Freud”. Vienna Therapy. Manhattan, NY. June 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 9 
MadC in Marrakesh, Morocco.


Mad C. MB6 Street Art. Marrakesh Biennale 6. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 8
Maya Hayuk in Brooklyn, NY.


Maya Hayuk. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 7
Invader in Jersey City, NJ.


Space Invader in Jersey City for Mana Urban Arts Projects. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 6
Collin Van Der Sluijs. Super A in Berlin.


Collin Van Der Sluijs . Super A.  Detail. Urban Nation Museum For Urban Contemporary Art. One Wall. Berlin, Germany. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 5
Kurar in Berlin


Kurar for Urban Nation Museum For Urban Contemporary Art. NOTE: This piece was created late in 2015 but we got to it early in 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 4
Biggie Smalls in Brooklyn, NY.


Rocko & Zimer. NOTE: This piece was created late in 2015 but we got to it early in 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 3
Otto “Osch” Schade in Brooklyn, NY.


OSCH for JMZ Walls. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 2
Klops in Brooklyn, NY.


Klops for The Bushwick Collective illuminates the concentration of 90% of the media in the hands of 6 companies. In 1983 there were 50. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

No 1
Ron English in Brooklyn, NY.


Ron English brings Donald Trump as Humpty Dumpty on a wall – in collaboration with The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Click here to see the original posting on BSA.

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BSA Images Of The Week: 11.27.16

BSA Images Of The Week: 11.27.16



It’s beginning to look a lot like an arms race, every where you turn. At least that is what comes to mind when seeing the silhouetted tree at the center of Otto Schade’s new holiday piece in London above.  In other news – New York hate crimes have spiked as well as across the country (along with hate graffiti), the country is increasingly dismayed over the military-style defense of an oil pipeline  against indigenous people and protestors during Thanksgiving week in the #NoDAPL demonstrations, and there is movement to re-count of general election ballots because of unusual results in key states being questioned by a scientist group. Aside from that everything is going fantastic. Miami is hosting a ton of Street Artists this week for Art Basel – and today is .

Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring Alanis, Amberellaxo, Aquarela, Axer, BE Zany, Below Key, Cuke, Himbad, Jilly Ballistic, Jorit Agoch, June, Lunge Box, Osch, Otto Schade, Queen Andrea, Ralp, RX Skulls, Thiago Gomez, and V Ballentine.

Otto “Osch” Schade “Peace and Love” fresh new stencil in London. Nov. 2016. (photo © Otto Schade)


Otto “Osch” Schade “Peace and Love” fresh new stencil in London. Nov. 2016. (photo © Otto Schade)


Jilly Ballistic (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Amberellaxo. Own It…especially if your break it… (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Lunge Box (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Lunge Box (photo © Jaime Rojo)


FREE. Axer and Cuke at the Teufelsberg in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


June (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Queen Andrea (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Below Key (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Below Key (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Unidentified artist at the Teufelsberg in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


V Ballentine for JMZ Walls in Brooklyn. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Jorit Agoch’s portrait of Questlove. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Aquarela for JMZ Walls in Brooklyn. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Unidentified artist at the Teufelsberg in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


RX Skulls in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


B Zany (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ralp in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Himbad and Alaniz at Teufelsberg in Berlin. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Dave is the name written here on this poster that looks like it is part of the large boycott against the Canada Goose brand for it’s alleged abuse and torture of animals, including coyotes. A protest by PETA and others in Soho at a store last week may have something to do with it as well. The pink stencil is an addition to this poster. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Untitled. SOHO, NYC. Fall 2016. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

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BSA Images Of The Week: 11.29.15

BSA Images Of The Week: 11.29.15



Rounding out the Thanksgiving week here as people think back on what they have to be thankful for in New York and across the US. Despite the class war on the poor, near-weekly proof of systematic racism and extremism, gun violence that feels out of control, and 3 songs on the top ten by Justin Beiber, we have to admit that all is not lost – and we still have a pretty strong union of cool people who actually love our neighbors and multi-cultures and are willing to show it every day.

The art we see in the streets continues to evolve; People like Gilf! are combining experimentation and activism in the public sphere while others are looking for ways to address a variety of social/political ills, – meanwhile many artists now seek and secure legal spots to put up their work, use hash tags and Instagram as marketing directly to collectors, advertisers are mimicking street art to promote brands, and Wynwood in Miami is preparing to showcase some of the flashiest displays of sponsored murals and participants yet during Basel next week.

There is a rising chorus of horrified detractors who say an organic grassroots art form is being commodified. It’s not political enough! It’s narcissistic! It’s all privileged white kids who don’t appreciate the true roots of graff culture! Calm down everybody, we can handle this. There is room for all ya’ll, like they say down south.

Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring Ai Wei Wei, Dee Dee, Ernest Zacharevic, Gilf!, Gum Shoe, Himbad, Invader, Isaac Cordal, Jilly Ballistic, Le Diamantaire, Osch aka Otto Schade, Ouizi, Sipros, and Swoon.

Ernest Zacharevic interprets Martha Cooper’s photograph of Lil’ Crazy Legs. This is their final piece in this collaborative series.  (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ernest Zacharevic interprets Martha Cooper’s photograph from 1978 of this boy playing with a makeshift gun from the leg of a baby’s crib. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ernest Zacharevic interprets Martha Cooper’s photograph from 1978 of this boy playing with a makeshift gun from the leg of a baby’s crib. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ernest Zacharevic interprets Martha Cooper’s photograph from 1978 of this boy trapping flies in glass bottles. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ernest Zacharevic. Adam De Coster (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Tongue in cheek, Ernest Zacharevic’s ironic blend of brandalism and vandalism.  (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Isaac Cordal staged a scene of drowning businessmen in this Manhattan puddle. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Jilly Ballistic (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Gilf! continues to influence the conversations around rampant inequality and with her “gentrification in progress” tape project, now outside the museum, someday in the museum. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ai Wei Wei (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Swoon . Ouizi (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Swoon . Ouizi. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Sipros for The Bushwick Collective and Mana Urban Projects. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Gum Shoe (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Dee Dee (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Non-controversial lampooning cast as tough political stance, The Peralta Project is a commercial lifestyle brand that is using the street to advertise their product line, cashing in on a very popular dislike for this reality TV star. Like a mezcal company did this summer these posters are popping up to emasculate – and possible help move product. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Himbad for The Bushwick Collective and Mana Urban Projects. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Osch aka Otto Schade in London’s Brick Lane (photo © Urban Art International)


Invader’s tribute to Andy Warhol with The L.I.S.A Project NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Invader’s tribute to Woody Allen with The L.I.S.A Project NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Invader’s tribute to Bugs Bunny with The L.I.S.A Project NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Invader’s with The L.I.S.A Project NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Le Diamantaire (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Untitled. Blue is the warmest color. Manhattan, NYC. November 2015 (photo © Jaime Rojo)



Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!



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Amsterdam Dances with Graffuturism and Stencil Masters

Amsterdam Dances with Graffuturism and Stencil Masters

Amsterdam rocked the decks this month to celebrate urban contemporary art and street art in the Netherlands with visual and music based events giving artists many platforms to shine.


BustArt and Fake for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)

Graffuturism, a term and movement coined a handful of years ago to describe an intersection of graffiti, street art, and abstract geometry continues to stake out new territory and here were gallery and street exhibitions proffering some of the current practitioners whose work could be described as such.

The 5th Urban Art Festival Amsterdam featured their own collection of Graffuturists from Europe, the United States, and South America including Poesia, the unofficial founder of Graffuturism in a show of works on canvas, prints, drawings on paper, murals and site-specific abstract installations.


BustArt for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)

Running concurrently was a Stencil Masters show featuring some of the top knife-wielding artists known on the street today along with a few senior early proponents. The diverse program of gallery, street installations and DJs courtesy of the ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) helped further contextualize the art forms for a wider audience of fans.


Fake for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)

Stencil Masters exhibition
ABOVE (usa) – BTOY (es) – BUSTART (ch) – C215 (fr) – CANVAZ (irl) – CZARNOBYL (de) – E.L.K. (au) – FAKE (nl) – HUGO KAAGMAN (nl) – IVES.ONE (nl) – JANA & JS (de) – JAUNE (be) – LIJNE (nl) – MANDO MARIE (usa) – NAFIR (iran) – ORTICANOODLES (it) – OTTO SCHADE (uk) – PIPSQUEAK WAS HERE (nl) – STF (fr) – TANKPETROL (uk) – TERA ONE (de)

Graffuturism exhibition
BLAQK BLAQK (gr) – CORN79 (it) – GRAPHIC SURGERY (nl) – KENOR (es) – LABUENA YLAMALA (es) – MICK LA ROCK (nl) – OKUDA (es) – OVNI (es) – POESIA (usa) – POETA (ar) – SKOUNT & GWION / TVBdesign (es) – VESOD (it) – WOW123 (de) – X-O / THE LOST OBJECT (nl / usa)



Fake for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


XO for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


Skount for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


Markus Gnusius for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


C215 for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


Jana & JS for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


LABUENA YLAMALA for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)


Lijne and TerraOne for Urban Art Festival Amsterdam. (photo © courtesy of UAFA)

To learn more please go to


Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


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BSA Images Of The Week: 07.27.14

BSA Images Of The Week: 07.27.14




Tragedy is grabbing world headlines again and we can’t help but be swayed by it as the downed passenger aircraft in Ukraine smells of a lawless future and the international community seems rather helpless to address it meaningfully. Simultaneously the Israeli / Palestinian crises flares for the seemingly millionth time along with international opinion, a fire now fed with large helpings of social media oxygen, buffeted by various marches in the actual streets around the world and here in NYC.

Our banner today is a relatively new collage/painting currently on view in the Italian Cultural Institute of New York by the Street Artist BR1, who depicts the strife in somewhat cartoonish exaggerated simplicity, flattening the complexity of history with two dimensional caricature. Comments some made when we ran it a couple of weeks ago for the opening of the show (before the current events had begun) made it clear that even art about the conflict seems radioactive.

Our top image this week is an actual street piece from Icy & Sot and it brought more comments on Instagram than most other photos, so strong are people’s reactions to it. As far as the Ukraine/Russia news, we haven’t seen any Street Art about that – except maybe for that Billi Kid caricature of Putin as a cowboy earlier in the year but you couldn’t really say it is directly related.

With this pall of strife filling screens and streets right now its no wonder the one image below of Ewok’s wall full of discontented people was shared so many times on our FB Fan Page this week. “Hey these grumpy faces make me happy,” said one commenter.

So anyway, here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring Art is Trash, Atom, BustArt, Cold World, E.L.K., Ewok, False, GG, Gualicho, Icy & Sot, Kuma, Myth, Osch, Otto Schade, Post No Selfie, QRST, Sean9Lugo, Sebs, Sexer, Topaz, UFO907, Unvale, Wing, and Zaria.

Top Image >> Icy & Sot (photo © Jaime Rojo)


EWOK (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Sean9Lugo (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Atom (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Kuma . False (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Sebs (photo © Jaime Rojo)


BustArt, Zaria and Osch AKA Otto Schade . Detail. New collaboration in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (photo © Bustart)


BustArt, Zaria and Osch AKA Otto Schade . New collaboration in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (photo © Bustart)


E.L.K. for The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


The housing boom, now broke. Unvale. Bethlehem, PA (photo © Unvale)


Wing (photo © Jaime Rojo)


QRST (photo © Jaime Rojo)


QRST (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Art Is Trash (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Sexer is thinking perhaps you have to hit people over the head with love. At The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Post No Selfie (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Cold World (and Chena, Lily, and Yusef as well). Not sure what this is about. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


UFO907 traced over UFO907 (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Topaz (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Myth (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Gualicho from Buenos Aires likes to merge organic with mechanic, natural with industrial, offering cross sections and diagrams from his imagination. This abstraction of a fish and water is in downtown Warsaw, Poland. (photo © Gualicho)


Gualicho for Monumental Arts. Gdansk, Poland. (photo © Gualicho)


GG spearing dinner for a nice fish barbecue. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Untitled. East River, NYC. July 2014 (photo © Jaime Rojo)



Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!
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Images Of The Week: 06.01.14

Images Of The Week: 06.01.14



BOS, Bushwick Collective, Juicy Fest, RedHook Studio Tours, Northside Festival, Welling Court… BK and QNS are bombed with artists in June – and today’s throwdown in Bushwick is just one tab on the 12-pack to pop and spray all over your friends on a hot summer day. When it comes to street art we’re in this new legal mural phase right now and when you head out to Bushwick Open Studios today you will see freshly painted and in-process walls. Don’t worry, we’re still seeing a lot of uncensored freewheeling self-selecting artistic installations of the unsanctioned variety – and that sector is alive and well.  See you out in the street!

Here our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring

Adam Fujita, BustArt, Cb23, Chris Dyer, Dain, Dasic, Don Rimx, Ethos, FoxxFace, Jerk Face, Labrona, Meca, Meer Sau, Milo, Muro, Osch, Princess Hijab, QRST, Ricardo Cabret and Son, Sem, Skewville, Stinkfish, Stovington 23, Txemy, Vexta, Zaira

Top Image >> Dasic for the Juicy Art Festival. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Skewville (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Adam Fujita for The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Princess Hijab has a new installation in the Paris Metro (photo © Adrien Chretien)


Princess Hijab. Detail of the above installation. Paris, France. (photo © Adrien Chretien)


Are you feeling this felt lava lamp? Milo calls what she does Graffeltti. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Osch new installation in London’s Brick Lane. (photo © Massimo Filippi)


Dain (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Sem (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Ethos new piece in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (photo © Claudio Ethos)


QRST (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Don Rimx, Ricardo Cabret and Son for the Juicy Art Festival. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Labrona new indoor mural in Montreal, Canada. (photo © Labrona)


Vexta for The Bushwick Collective. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Stovington23 new corporate takeover in Eastbourne, UK. (photo © Stovington23)


BustArt and Zaira new stencil work in Amsterdam. (photo © Bustart/Zaira)


BustArt and Zaira new stencil work in Amsterdam. (photo © Bustart/Zaira)


Muro . Txemy . Stinkfish . Meca . Done for the Juicy Art Festival. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Meer Sau in Salzburg, Austria. (photo © Meer Sau)


Jerk Face completed his Tom and Jerry piece in Williamsburg. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


cb23 and Foxx Face collaboration. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Chris Dyer in Denver, Colorado. (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Untitled. Greenpoint, Brooklyn. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

If you are lucky enough to be in NYC this Sunday, get out of the house and head over to East Williamsburg and Bushwick. You’d have the chance to see many of these murals in person and perhaps and artist or two while applying the final touches to his or her wall. Click HERE for more info on The Bushwick Collective block party taking place today. And HERE for the Juicy Art Fest which is not happening until June 5, 6 and 7 but artists are currently busy at work on their murals and it is only a short walk between the two.



Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


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Eye on London Street Art : Spencer Elzey in Europe

Eye on London Street Art : Spencer Elzey in Europe



For the first week-long “residency” on BSA, Spencer Elzey has been sharing his experiences and Street Art photos from his recent trip to Europe. Today we finish with London, a polished and presentable collection of some of the current scene from the streets.

The city has long played host to a rolling panoply of urban art and artists and is a prime example of the professionalization of the practice featuring a greater absorption into the culture and economy at large with galleries, museums, shops, and paid tour guides all joining in. The upshot is you will see some of the best examples of talent and it may at times seem all quite combed over and generally safe for a general audience.  Not that there isn’t dynamism and risk taking, and you will still find unsanctioned work to be seen inside and outside of the tourist hotspots.


Sweet Toof and Roa (photo © Spencer Elzey)

Hosting the Olympics last year brought a self cleansing of much of the organically grown graffiti and Street Art, and the chilling effect of living in an electronically surveilled society with cameras nearly everywhere will undoubtedly be sited to when historians look at the nature of art on the streets from this era.

“London had a lot of Street Art but it felt more corporate and organized for the masses,” says Elzey of his time walking through Shoreditch, Brick Lane, Hackney, Bethnal Green, and Camden. “In the week that I was there I walked by around five Street Art tours.”


Sweet Toof (photo © Spencer Elzey)

“Most of London’s street art is confined to these places – The other areas that I explored around London all seemed pretty clean. This may have been due to the fact that there are security cameras everywhere,” he says. An international first world city, London usually is a destination for the international “circuit” of Street Artists whose names tend to reappear on lists of the various street/graffiti/urban art festivals that now pop up in global cities from Lima to Łódź and Living Walls to Nuart to Upfest and the recently ended FAME.

As with any art form that begins as transgressive and underground and evolves to be adopted by the dominant culture, at times the whole scene begins to resemble the commercial and institutional interests it once mocked or attempted to subvert. “London is great but felt more catered to the bigger players and had the most street art in commissioned form (by the various Street Art organizations), which is good to see some amazing work but cheapens the art a little,” he says.

In the images he shares with BSA readers today you can see the really strong work that is throughout those neighborhoods as many of the artists consider strongly what they will do – and it results in some quite striking pieces. As always, you want to keep an eye on London. Surely it will keep an eye on you.


Miss Van and B. Schu (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Otto Schade (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Otto Schade (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Otto Schade (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Otto Schade (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Shok 1 (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Gnasher (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Alexis Diaz (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Ben Eine (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Cranio (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Cranio (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Cranio (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Cranio (photo © Spencer Elzey)


For The Love Of Dog (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Banksy (photo © Spencer Elzey)


A sculptural installation by D*Face (photo © Spencer Elzey)


ROA (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Swoon (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Guy Denning (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Urban Solid (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Sokaruno (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Vinie and Reaone (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Anthony Lister (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Finabarr DAC (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Phlegm (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Faith 47 (photo © Spencer Elzey)


El Mac (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Conor Harrington (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Conor Harrington (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Klone (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Dal East (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Dscreete (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Insa (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Martin Ron (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Jana & JS (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Christian Nagel (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!
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Unbridled Berlin Street Art : Spencer Elzey in Europe

Unbridled Berlin Street Art : Spencer Elzey in Europe



Berliners are hard to crack, they say, but probably not for New Yorkers. We “get” them because of their no-nonsense frankness, sometimes sharp tongues, and because their “creative types” are unhinged in a way that New Yorkers have been historically.

When it comes to the volume and variety of art that is being loosed in Berlin these days, they are setting some standards that many are still catching up with. Right now when you look at the freewheeling expression that bolted out from a broken wall more than 20 years ago and never looked back, you realize that Street Artists in Berlin are not hard to crack, they may simply be a little bit cracked.


Various & Gould (photo © Spencer Elzey)

In the third city of our series this week for Spencer Elzey’s residency on BSA, we visit Berlin, which some argue is the preeminent scene for urban art right now. It does appear to have a perfect mix for vibrant arts growth – a creatively permissive atmosphere and affordable lifestyle prevails in this city of design. And while uncommissioned public art is not legal, it is also not verboten.

The kids may come for the music and the art collectives and the dance parties, but they stay for the aerosol and the expressive faces and figures that accompany you while you walk. So far, people seem happy to let this arts scene continue to evolve and not surprisingly, tourists are magnetically drawn to it.


Victor Ash (photo © Spencer Elzey)

As you walk through certain neighborhoods you may prepare to have your pre-conventions subverted and inverted. Awash with a decade plus of unbridled art, the scale, style, influences, and techniques of pop, illustration, and graffiti are all truly playing with each other.

Where a large spate of legal mural work has monopolized creative energies of many Street Artists in New York recently, some players have commented that the content is being tamed and neutered and the resulting scene is less risk-oriented stylistically. As you look at the work Elzey found in Berlin, you are reminded what it looks like when art laborers don’t have to self-censor or look over their shoulder. Also, it is still affordable for artists. Oh, wait, did we already mention that?


Robi The Dog (photo © Spencer Elzey)

Out of the cities I visited the one that contrasted the most with NY was Berlin. It felt like a beautiful lawlessness with graffiti and rollers everywhere,” says Elzey as he tries to put his finger on the attitude of exploration and discovery that floods large areas of the city.

“Berlin by far had the most graffiti and Street Art in its most raw and authentic form, which is how I think it should really be experienced. It felt more free and genuine. Besides RAW and Urban Spree, which are commissioned areas, Berlin felt like a giant playground. There was graffiti and rollers everywhere and lots of abandoned factories to explore and have fun in.”


Blu (photo © Spencer Elzey)

Berlin has been an international draw for artists and arts institutions for the last decade at least and many of the Street Art world make sure to head here at least once, sometimes staying months and couch surfing and partying an staying out all night.  Since the graffiti scene and the Street Art scene are not so polarized in the minds of people here there is also a freedom to experiment without fear of upsetting your peer group.

Luckily for BSA, local Street Artists Various & Gould were very hospitable and more than helpful and willing to tour Spencer around some of the hot spots and to give him some background on the Berlin streets. “Meeting someone you admire, be it an artist, musician, or actor, is always a special experience,” he says about being with V&G, “It feels a little different when that person is a Street Artist, or at least it does to me. The fact that part of their job means that they do illegal things, being trusted enough to be welcomed into their inner circle has deeper meaning.”



Blu. Detail. (photo © Spencer Elzey)

So he was in good hands with these two who have deep roots with the artist community and who frequently challenge themselves to look at their own work with new eyes – and to find new ways to engage with passersby with their art and a bit of theater. “In the case of Various & Gould in Berlin and C215 in Vitry I was able to meet these artists on their own turf. They showed me some of their new work in their studios and then toured me around the neighborhoods that they know best,” he recalls with some delight.

“While seeing art on the streets is one thing, getting the first hand history behind it makes it more meaningful,” he says. “You get more history and depth that way.”


Blu (photo © Spencer Elzey)

How long Berlin will continue to be a petrie dish for experimentation and discovery? Forever. Just kidding. But for the moment this ephemeral art movement is fiercely alive and more independent than many cities. Artists have always made life a bit of a moveable feast. Today its Berlin, tomorrow it could be Mexico City, or Lima, who knows?

“I think I would recommend it if you were a younger artist who was trying to break into the game and establish a name for yourself,” says Elzey.


Blu (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Blu (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Blu (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Alaniz (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Herakut (photo © Spencer Elzey)



Various & Gould (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Various & Gould (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Os Gemeos (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Nunca (photo © Spencer Elzey)


JR (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Cooked (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Vhils (photo © Spencer Elzey)


MTO (photo © Spencer Elzey)


MTO (photo © Spencer Elzey)


MTO gives Alias a shout out. (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Klone (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Neurotitan (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Vidan The Weird (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Tafe (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Reaktor and Paulo Ito (photo © Spencer Elzey)


G (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Inti (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Ema Jones (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Klub 7 (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Broken Fingaz (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Blek le Rat (photo © Spencer Elzey)


BLO (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Maclaim (photo © Spencer Elzey)


ROA (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Otto Schade (photo © Spencer Elzey)


Nychos (photo © Spencer Elzey)

Our sincere thanks to Various & Gould for their hospitality and time.


Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


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Fun Friday 03.30.12

Fun Friday 03.30.12

1. Wooly Bully! (VIDEO)
2. “International Woman” at The Warrington Museum (UK)
3. “While Supplies Last” at Pawn Works (Chicago)
4. Crossing Borders at MSA Gallery (Paris)
5. Isaac Cordal “Waiting for Climate Change” at Beaufort 04 (Flemish Coast, Belgium)
6. HOW & NOSM show you HOW they made “Reflections” (VIDEO)
7. Kid Zoom Crashes Cars (VIDEO)

WOOLY BULLY! Straight from the Desert Island – Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs!

Let’s see if you can shake it as fast as the back-up dancer lady in this video!

“International Woman” at The Warrington Museum (UK)

“International Woman” the new group show at The Warrington Museum and Gallery in Warrington, UK is open to the general public with a lineup of brilliantly talented women artists from around the world including many Street Artists: Catalina Estrada, Cheryl Dunn, Elizabeth Mcgrath, Faith 47, Hera, Kukula, Mel Kadel, Miss Van, Pam Glew, Sarah Joncas, Stella Im Hultberg, Swoon, Tara Mcpherson and Xue Wang. With so much female talent under one roof this promises to be one hot and interesting show not to miss, Miss!

Faith 47. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Mel Kadel (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

“While Supplies Last” at Pawn Works (Chicago)

The Pawn Works Gallery in Chicago new show “While Supplies Last” opens this Saturday. For this show the space would be transformed into a site specific retail environment where you’d be able to purchase items from books to art from a list of artists that include: Shawnimals, Skewville, Kosbe, 5003, Ader, Amuse 126, Snacki, JC Rivera, Montgomery Perry Smith, Left Handed Wave, Max Kauffman, Nice-One, Swiv, and Jon Burgerman.

Kosbe (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Skewville (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Crossing Borders at MSA Gallery (Paris)

MSA Gallery new group show “Crossing Borders” opens this Saturday in Paris, France and arttists including are: DAL, David Walker, Stinkfish, Faith47, David Shillinglaw, Martin Whatson, Klone, Snik, Otto Schade, Ben Slow, Joseph Loughborough, Inkie and Banksy:

Stinkfish (photo © Jaime Rojo)

David Shillinglaw (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Isaac Cordal “Waiting for Climate Change” at Beaufort 04 (Flemish Coast, Belgium)

Sculptor and conceptual artist Isaac Cordal is doing a series of outdoor installations From March 31st to September 30th, 2012 in 30 Locations spread across 9 coastal municipalities throughout the Flemish coast as part of Beaufort 04.

Mr. Cordal’s army of little cement characters are sure to stop you on your heels if you see them that is. His commentary on social issues runs deep and wide always with a humorous touch and an impeccable sense of placement:

For further information regarding this event click here.

HOW & NOSM show you HOW they made “Reflections” (VIDEO)

A custom installation by How & Nosm just finished at the new show opening next week in the Bronx called “This Side of Paradise”. See BSA coverage of the show and more photos of How & Nosm’s installation along with Crash and Daze HERE.>>“Poorhouse for the Rich” Revitalized By The Arts

Kid Zoom Crashes Cars (VIDEO)

The other Australian bad boy Kid Zoom made a video of himself building a house and crashing some cars. We have video to prove it:


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