All posts tagged: Newcastle Australia

Fintan Magee Finds Someone in the “Shadow” in Newcastle

Fintan Magee Finds Someone in the “Shadow” in Newcastle

Fintan Magee has been experimenting with the various visual effects that occur when one is looking at a figure through a lens/glass/texture of some kind. In August we showed you a mural he had completed in Queensland, Australia that featured two figures behind a mottled glass pattern that you may recall from going to a lawyer or perhaps to hire a private detective.

Fintan Magee. “Shadow”. Big Picture Festival. Newcastle, Australia. (photo © Wilt Living)

Today we have ‘Shadow’, a new work in Newcastle that he created for the Big Picture festival. The vertical striping creates a subtle optical illusion of its own. He says he painted alongside a statue of Australia’s first female mayor as it looks across Civic Park toward the old civic trains station at the center of town.

Fintan Magee. “Shadow”. Big Picture Festival. Newcastle, Australia. (photo © Wilt Living)

What are his current inspirations? “The role of de-industrialisation, isolation, renewal and the new work force in post-industrial Australian cities.”

Fintan Magee. “Shadow”. Big Picture Festival. Newcastle, Australia. (photo © Wilt Living)
Fintan Magee. “Shadow”. Big Picture Festival. Newcastle, Australia. (photo © Wilt Living)
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