BSA EXPANDS Inexplicably – Like those moving platforms at the14th St. Subway Station

I’m expanding, and not always in a good way, truth be told.


Too much time spent slaving over a hot keyboard and mindlessly eating is part of it.  Besides that, BSA has been really inundated with fun and your new ideas and we’ve decided we are going to make a ‘lil more room for everybody over the next few months. We need more room!  There’s more stuff to see and do!
Already you can see that the space for pictures is bigger, right? GIGANTO!  And as we move forward, we’ll be a little lighter on on our paws, with more options for you to participate with us and each other and with the biggest growing street art scene this side of the oil spill.

And in the interest of transparency (and because we’re clueless about how to do it behind the scenes), we’ll be making the improvements to the site right in front of you, like open heart surgery on your coffee table.  NICE.  So sometimes it may get a little messy, there will be blood spattering about.

It may look like HOLY HELL once in a while, but stick with us, kid, and you’ll have potatoes as big as diamonds.

Did I say that right?