Barefootin’, Expressive Cows and Gaia


Just got back from Cow-Country upstate, home of many dairy farms and barns and silos – green rolling fields, corn on the cob, walking down a dirt road, jumping in the pond to cool off.  A summer job for teens up there means baling hay and stacking it in a barn…for 10 hours.

Then, with all that cashmunny you need somebody’s older brother to buy beer at the convenience store for a party behind the barn later at night.  Cold beers in a cooler, iPod box on the tracktor seat, Barefootin’ in the grass…

So anyway, good to be back in dirty old Brooklyn and find this new video in the mailbox – Ironically it’s Gaia doin’ his own cow-country thing. It’s called “Taming Nature”

Now take off yer shoes and socks and dance around to this music video of the song Barefootin’ made by Aardman Animations who made Creature Comforts, Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit.
(song is by Robert Parker in 1966)