Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening :
1. Medicos Del Mundo #Esperanza #AlwaysHope
2. SOFLES / The Minibus (feat. Treas)
3. SpY / Luna

BSA Special Feature: Medicos Del Mundo #Esperanza #AlwaysHope
Today we present an inspiring video that reaches all the corners of the world – which is where Doctors of the World goes. The organization looks past the geographic and political barriers to care for all of us. Here film directors, directors, and artists – across five continents – participate in telling lived stories of people on the front line.
Learn more about MedicosDelMundo here.
SOFLES / The Minibus (feat. Treas)
New graffiti porn from Brisbane this week as Sofles and Treas take camping to a new dimension in aerosol madness. The team of Grug & Bustaflux keep the audio details and effects tight with camerawork that trips and makes the heart skip by After Midnight Film.
SpY / Luna
Can you trust your eyes? Is that the moon?
SpY draws an indirect connection to the moon and the television depictions of 1969 showing a team of astronauts landing on it. The Madrid installation artist uses the simplest of gestures to make clarion statements. Installed on one of the construction cranes of the fifth tower of the Caleido complex in the north of Madrid, SpY hangs the moon in the sky with an inflatable nylon structure illuminated with high intensity LED system.