All posts tagged: The Huffingon Post

Wish # 7 : Kimberly Brooks



For 11 days we’re presenting 11 artists and BSA readers and their wishes for the new year, 2011, in no particular order. Together, they are a tiny snapshot of the people who are creators and fans of street art. Individually, each has added their expression of the creative spirit to the year now ending.

Today’s wish comes from Kimberly Brooks, a California-based artist and recent founder/editor of the Huffington Post Arts Page;

I wish for less precision and more spontaneity; less virtuality and more meals with people I care about; less talking heads and more artists exposing their work; less email and more kissing.

brooklyn-street-art-Dec 27-Kimberly-Brooks grace-12-10Kimberly Brooks “Grace” (Photo © Kimberly Brooks)

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