All posts tagged: Tartu Street Art

BSA Film Friday: 06.24.22

BSA Film Friday: 06.24.22

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Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.

Now screening:
1. Chile Estyle, from Pablo Aravena
3. Tartu Street Art Comes to Berlin – Hello Mister Police Officer | FWTV

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BSA Special Feature: Chile Estyle, from Pablo Aravena

The evolution of a graffiti/street art movement is not unilateral in its formative influences nor its cities of germination. Not only does Chile have a unique genesis story born of oppression and rebellion that is written into the history of the modern street art movement, it has produced a number of strong proponents of the current global scene.

“Young people took to the streets with political muralism all over Chile in the late 60’s at the same time as young people in New York were starting Modern graffiti and May 68 happened in Paris. Chile Estyle is a documentary film that explores the past and present of Chile’s unique street art tradition which comes from a remix of political muralism and graffiti and has been part of the Chilean cultural and political life since the 60s, resulting in a visually arresting, informative and entertaining film.”

Chile Estyle – Trailer – Pablo Aravena


“I kept looking at it and saying, ‘I could do a whole alphabet based on it.'”

ARCHIFONT Letters dressed in architecture. For the fonts lovers and the architecture lovers this little video of the names of master architects, past and present will stir emotions, we are certain of that. But we also know a thing or two about the letter form art we call graffiti…certainly, our emotions were stirred…will yours?

Tartu Street Art Comes to Berlin – Hello Mister Police Officer | FWTV

It’s been a little while since we’ve seen the folks from Tartu and are happy to see them doing a show in Berlin. Doug from Fifth wall interviews 4 of the originators/artists from the “Stencibility” festival in Estonia – as they mount their exhibition in Berlin. Open till June 25th!

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