All posts tagged: Tarsiglov

Alice Pasquini Photographed by Jessica Stewart

Alice Pasquini Photographed by Jessica Stewart

We’re counting down the last 12 days of 2012 with Street Art photos chosen by BSA readers. Each one was nominated because it has special meaning to a reader or is simply a photograph from 2012 that they think is great. Our sincere thanks to everyone who shared their favorite images.

Our twelfth and final nomination for the year comes from the proud mother of a photographer who writes in to nominate a photo by her daughter, Jessica Stewart, a dedicated Street Art fan and documentarian. It’s good to see how many people nominated loved ones and friends photos for this special series, and it feels perfect for the holiday spirit of generosity and compassion we all would like to espouse during the end of the year and the beginning of the next.  Who can forget the person who gave you encouragement and confidence while pursuing your goals?

Stewie is living in Hopkinton, Massachusetts and sends in this image of an Alice Paquini piece and tells us all  about her daughter, “Jessica has lived in Rome, Italy for the past 7 years and has recently published a book about her street art photos and the artists behind them.”

Alice Pasquini (photo © Jessica Stewart)

Visit Jessica’s Flickr page to see more photos of her work here.  And the book features a collection of images from the Rome Street Art scene. Check it out!


A Special Note to all the BSA readers who wrote in and sent images of their favorite Street Art images this month. We are sincerely thankful for your nominations, and there were so many excellent and incredible images to choose from thanks to you. We tried to pick a cross section of images from different perspectives, and it was completely unscientific so please don’t take it personally if your image didn’t appear in one of the 12 spots. We value your participation, and we sincerely thank you for writing to us.



Check out the BSA Images of 2012 video here.


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