Typically a bus stop is not a place where you would discover someone of interest, but in Święcica Poland you could find the Queen of the Night following you out of the corner of her eye.
“Przystanek” is the Polish word for “bus stop” and street artist Olek has been curating this one for a few years, inviting new people to give their interpretation a proper place in the public square. This month artist Roksana Kularska- Krol (Roxi) paints Queens of the Night.
“These heroines are the embodiments of the archetype of the Great Mother (the Great Goddess, Queen of the Universe),” Olek tells us, “and by painting them, the artist shows that the seemingly distant world of myths and symbols is still alive, even when we are not aware of it.”
Painting for a little over a decade, Roxi completed this installation with the participation of Olek and with The Common Good of Our Village Association from Święcica. The roof treatment, “The Crown’, is provided by artist Sebastian Kularski.
Olek tells us that the new painting is inspired by the strong, entrepreneurial women of Swiecica. What is a “Przystanek” (bus stop) really? Olek elucidates here, singing its many praises:
Przystanek means:
The sound of the full moon
Light of the dancing river
Smell of vibration around purring kittens
Expanding space
To be touched by forest
Sound of sunset resting on the forest
Everything with the forest about the forest in the forest with the forest
Drumming with the fire by the fire
Silence before and after
Singing happy chickens delivering your breakfast
Rhythm of slow walk
Smell of the cracking wood under your feet
The weight of a kitten on your lap when you are creating
Vibration of a candlelight
That dances with a thunderbolt opening the sky
The colors of a thought under a pen
Vibrant stillness
Radiant darkness
Movement of drying wildflowers
The sharp eye of the Hawk circling above you
Transformation comes like death in its own time
They take you from one dimension into another
We Are The Grandchildren Of The Witches You Weren’t Able To Burn.
My Crown is in my Heart, not on my Head.
Many are invited, but few are chosen.
My Universe is Paradise.
~ Olek