All posts tagged: STAMP

Stencils of The Week on BSA 09.13.10


This weeks top stencils as picked by Samantha Longhi of Stencil History X

Boxi. Image Courtesy of Samantha Longhi. Stencil History X

Boxi at the STAMP (Street Art Melting Pot) festival in Hamburg, Germany  (courtesy Stencil History X)

Check out an interview with Boxi by Samantha Longhi here

Grafeeney. (Courtesy Stencil History X)

Martin Whatson. Image Courtesy of Samantha Longhi. Stencil History X
Martin Whatson sprays this stencil on aluminum. (Courtesy of Stencil History X)

Finbarr. Image Courtesy of Samantha Longhi. Stencil History X

From the Schoony Show at Blackall Gallery in London, “Mummy’s Little Army Boy”, by Finbarr (Courtesy Stencil History X)

Snikk. Image Courtesy of Samantha Longhi. Stencil History X

“Eyes of Night”, by Snikk in Berlin. (Courtesy Stencil History X)

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