All posts tagged: Roccavignale

Opiemme, The Alphabet, Migrants and a Kindergarden Mural

Opiemme, The Alphabet, Migrants and a Kindergarden Mural

Yup, that’s what kids need to help them learn their ABC’s – a mural that combines a poem inside a hybrid of flamingo, stork, crane, heron, and cormorant.

Also, it is good to have smaller animals carrying letters across the wall to the door one at a time.


Opiemme. L’Apperto 2016. Roccavignale, Italy. October 2016. (photo © Opiemme)

The mural is in Roccavignale, a small village in the mountain between Piedmonte and Liguria with 750 inhabitants and hosts 20 migrants. Like many Street Artists these days, immigration is a theme that has captured Opiemme’s attention and has always been in love with the written word, with the the majority of her works spread across Italy.The outlines of this multi-bird body contain a poem about migration outside the main entrance of this Kindergarden/nursery school in Fenigruottero Cirogna,

“I am a migrant, I don’t have a nation, I don’t feel borders.

I follow the moon, I live between sky and lands, between trees and stars”

~ Opiemme

The mural is part of a public poetry project called L’Aperto and is courtesy of  Comune di Roccavignale, Sv (Italy)


Opiemme. L’Apperto 2016. Roccavignale, Italy. October 2016. (photo © Opiemme)


Opiemme. L’Apperto 2016. Roccavignale, Italy. October 2016. (photo © Opiemme)


Opiemme. L’Apperto 2016. Roccavignale, Italy. October 2016. (photo © Opiemme)

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