All posts tagged: Luz Interruptus

Strange Luminescence: The (Plastic) Full Moon at Lichtparcours

Strange Luminescence: The (Plastic) Full Moon at Lichtparcours

In the German city of Brunswick, an extraordinary transformation occurs under the night sky at Kiryat Tiron Park. As part of the Lichtparcours 2024 festival, a collective of dedicated artists presents a thought-provoking installation titled “(Plastic) Full Moon” is swinging overhead thanks to Luz Interruptus.

A multicolored luminescence of plastic waste afloat in the galaxy, like a new moon no one wants to view.

Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)

This vision, conceived in 2019, finally materialized in June thanks to the support of the Litchparcours festival jury and the collective efforts of the artists and the community. The installation symbolizes a not-so-distant future where our consumer culture and environmental neglect result in a moon composed of plastic debris.

The installation process itself was monumental, involving thousands of pieces of recycled plastic donated by the community. Volunteers meticulously sewed together remnants of bottles, bags, toys, and containers, creating a vast spherical structure held aloft by a massive construction crane. An integral part of the artwork, the crane suspends the sphere over the serene waters of the park’s lake, creating a striking reflection that captivates onlookers every evening from 7 pm to 1 am.

Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)

The artists, hailing from various parts of the world, have long been dedicated to addressing environmental issues through their work. Together, they created a piece that highlights the dire state of our planet and showcases the power of community action and artistic collaboration. The (Plastic) Full Moon is more than an artwork; it is a beacon of change. Or is it?

As you stand beneath this luminescent orb, reflecting on the calm waters of Kiryat Tiron Park, you made find that you are not just an observer but a participant in the dialogue it sparks. The (Plastic) Full Moon shines until early October.

Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)
Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)
Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)
Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)
Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)
Luz Interruptus. (Plastic) Full Moon. Lichtparcours 2024 festival. Kiryat Tiron Park. Brunswick, Germany. (photo © Melisa Hernández)
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Luz Interruptus: The Plastic We Live With

Luz Interruptus: The Plastic We Live With

Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Melisa Hernandez)

Humans, in all our complex existence, wield an undeniable influence, and yet, paradoxically, we pose the gravest threat to the very world we live in. With staggering magnitude, a deluge of trash, amounting to a colossal 2.6 trillion pounds, engulfs our planet in a single day, as reported by The Atlantic. Despite mankind’s incessant quest for technological marvels and ingenious solutions to combat this mounting crisis, an alarming revelation was published by National Geographic: a staggering 91% of plastics don’t make it through the recycling process, plunging us into a dire and global environmental cataclysm.

Given this statistic, it’s become imperative to perpetually educate and enlighten the masses to create awareness and make a difference. We must grasp the profound implications of our own small contributions to reduce the refuse we generate. From small steps of everyday life to the growing voices of global initiatives by NGOs our collective efforts must result in a drastic reduction of waste before it is too late.

Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Abrazo Brand Experience)

A growing number of artists have emerged as environmental champions. Through their voices and craft, they visually illuminate the relationship between humankind and the debris we leave in our wake.

Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Melisa Hernandez)

In May, the local government of Buenos Aires invited Luz Interruptus to celebrate World Recycling Day by creating an installation called “The Plastic We Live With” on the iconic El Obelisco monument. The artists aimed to highlight the issue of plastic pollution and its impact on the environment. They faced the challenge of creating the installation on a monument that is central to the city’s commercial and social activities. Using scaffolds and recycled iron, they constructed a structure over 25 meters high and covered it with panels made from recycled plastic collected through the city’s recycling system.

Powerful LED beams illuminate the installation, visualizing the persistence of disposable plastic despite bans. The artwork remained in place for a week, allowing visitors to reflect on the impact of plastic waste. Afterward, the materials were returned to the organizations that provided them, and the scaffolds and beams were reused for future productions. The artists expressed gratitude to the local government, the production company, and the volunteers for their support in bringing the installation to life.

Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Melisa Hernandez)
Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Melisa Hernandez)
Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Abrazo Brand Experience)
Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Abrazo Brand Experience)
Luz Interruptus. The Plastic We Live With. Buenos Aires, Argentina. (photo © Abrazo Brand Experience)
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“Literature vs Traffic” in Utrecht’s City Center: Luzinterruptus

“Literature vs Traffic” in Utrecht’s City Center: Luzinterruptus

A very long stream of books replaced the cars here in the Netherlands, thanks to Luzinterruptus, the Madrid-based anonymous collective who have been spreading light and activism for 15 years in cities.

Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Montaña Pulido)

“We used more than 11,000 books,” they tell us of this 10-day trip and installation last fall. The books were donated and in turn, were re-donated to anyone who saw them in the street during the installation.

Pushing the cars aside, the books took the main thoroughfare here, with hundreds of people looking down to peruse the prose, taking a moment to be in the moment. Any remaining books were given to thrift stores.

“We used these books to create a very long stream which was open to the public during the entire day,” say organizers. “When night came, we made ways inside of it so that people could enter the piece and have access to the books to leaf through them and choose those they liked the most to take back home.”

Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Montaña Pulido)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Montaña Pulido)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Rob Schreuder)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Montaña Pulido)
Luz Interruptus. Literature VS Traffic. Literature Festival Utrecht – ILFU. The Netherlands. (photo © Bram van Toor)
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Luz Interruptus: ‘Life Lingers On Blank Pages” in Madrid

Luz Interruptus: ‘Life Lingers On Blank Pages” in Madrid

Imagine your private thoughts about enduring Covid in a diary. Now imagine them posted in public as part of a glowing block of art for the 1st Edition of the Madrid International Festival of Light.

Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)

That is the opportunity that the artist collective LuzInterruptus took when offered the chance to create new work here in the Plaza Mayor that the public could enjoy and interact with. “A great wall covered with countless notebooks with blank pages,” describes one of the organizers. It stood there day and night “imposing its overwhelming simplicity on the Baroque architecture around it.”

Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)

A smaller hut-sized version of the project delighted crowds during the holidays in Ghent, but this massive white (30 meters x 10 meters) fluttering book fringe radiated inside the Spanish capital with private musings from thousands of citizens and tourists. Some had just arrived to see it, while many senior citizens filled pages in advance of the installation. Of the total 4,000 notebooks used in the installation, “2,000 notebooks were distributed among Municipal Senior Centers in the city so that senior citizens could express on the pages their hopes, fears, and reflections during the lockdown.”

“They told us their stories with uncanny detail and others drew as well, in some cases showing great talent. With their letters, poems, accounts, words, images, and scribbles, a large panel of lighted memory was erected. Writing sessions were organized which turned into a time of reunion. Therapists, instructors, technicians and directors were also present to help materialize their accounts. People with disabilities and their caregivers participated as well.”

The results are probably moving, possibly mundane, and at some point, profoundly moist – thanks to a surprise rainstorm of intensity and duration that transformed many of the pages into objects far less geometric than the crisp flurry of quadrilateral finesse they began as. “The pages had acquired a more sculptural compact appearance,” on artist tells us, “so that the wind could not do its job and the sound of the pages could not be heard.”

Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)Luz Interruptus. Life Lingers On Blank Pages. International Festival of Light. Luz Madrid. Madrid, Spain. (photo © Luz Interruptus)
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