Here in Sibiu, Romania for the 3rd International Street Art Festival is an artist named Lost Optics.

Lost Optics Gestaltism at International Street Art Festival Sibiu 2017, Romania. (photo © courtesy of Lost Optics)
“My proposal for this year’s mural is a kind of post-graffiti,” says the Bucharest-based member of Sweet Damage Crew, using a term being bandied about by scholars and academics these days to describe the period we are now in, as well as the number of art practices being employed on the street today.
Lost Optics Gestaltism at International Street Art Festival Sibiu 2017, Romania. (photo © courtesy of Lost Optics)
An fan and experienced practitioner of the traditional graffiti letter form, Lost Optics says that he is updating his personal practice by defragmenting them – perhaps feeding them through a refracting optic glass? With modern elements of glitch and pixel art, you can see how this new mural may be his interpretation of urban in the context of digital media.
The festival is produced by the ART FACTORY Transylvania Association, a group of artists and professionals who are interested in promoting the city as well as bringing art to the youth in this picturesque 13th century metropolis of 425,000 in southern Romania with winding cobblestone streets, Germanic architecture, the Brukental Palace, Evangelical Cathedral and Bukenthal National Museum.
Lost Optics Gestaltism at International Street Art Festival Sibiu 2017, Romania. (photo © courtesy of Lost Optics)
The murals created this year by two dozen local and international artists are added to those of the first two Sibiu Street Art festivals for a full fledged two hour bicycle tour. These pieces of course are fully realized legal murals: Not sure where to go to see actual Street Art, but local writers and crews can surely show you the way.
Lost Optics Gestaltism at International Street Art Festival Sibiu 2017, Romania. (photo © courtesy of Lost Optics)
Lost Optics Gestaltism at International Street Art Festival Sibiu 2017, Romania. (photo © courtesy of Lost Optics)
2017 SISF artists include:
Camilo (Pt)
Otto Constantin
Ștefan Radu Crețu
D 21
Jabra 22
Kaps Crew
Lost Optics
Lucian Sandu Milea
Pisica Pătrată
Mircea Popescu
Robert Roca
Sweet Damage Crew
The Orion
Ana Toma
Urka (It)
Wasp Elder (UK)