All posts tagged: Klonism

BSA Images Of The Week: 06.02.24

BSA Images Of The Week: 06.02.24

Welcome to BSA Images of the Week!

How’s your summer been so far? Many people say that Memorial Day unofficially begins Summer, so this week was the first one. Indeed! Baseball, soccer, and kickball are in the park, and movies or cocktails are on the roof. Lifeguards are on the beach, and kids are throwing up on the Cyclone at Coney Island or throwing frisbees on Central Park grass. The air in some neighborhoods smells like lilac bushes, urine, french fries, marijuana, or aerosol paint. Or all of it at once. When it all swirls around you, it is a heady mix. Cute girls in short shorts and cute boys on skateboards may not fall in love given these circumstances, but they might!

This week, 45 was found guilty on 34 counts in court. We New Yorkers, who have known him for years, are unsurprised.

Here is our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring Specter, Alice Pasquini, Degrupo, Optimo NYC, Enzo, Nite Owl, Miki Mu, NYC Kush Co., Klonism, Max Grax, Friz, KMG, Agent Decay, Jare, SYE5, Benny Cruz.

Specter. Yusuf Hawkins 1973-1989. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

The first time artist Specter painted this memorial for Yusuf Hawkins in Brooklyn was in 2011. He’s restored it and added more to the environment of the mural, two times since then. This is the second restoration that he did in the past few weeks.

Specter. Yusuf Hawkins 1973-1989. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Specter. Yusuf Hawkins 1973-1989. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artist with Jare and SYE5 tags. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Optimo NYC (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nite Owl (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nite Owl (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nite Owl (photo © Jaime Rojo)
1984.YO (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Agent Decoy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Klonism (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Klonism (photo © Jaime Rojo)
KMG. Hit The North Festival. 2018 Edition. Belfast, Northern Ireland. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
ENZO (photo © Jaime Rojo)
KUSH. DEGRUPO. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Unidentified artist (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Benny Cruz (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Miki Mu (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Alice Pasquini. Hit The North Festival. 2018 Edition. Belfast, Northern Ireland. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Max Grax (photo © Jaime Rojo)
FRIZ. Hit The North Festival. 2023 Edition. Belfast, Northern Ireland. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Untitled. Tulip. Spring 2024. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

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BSA Images Of The Week: 02.20.22

BSA Images Of The Week: 02.20.22

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Welcome to BSA Images of the Week, where New York keeps pushing forward through this stormy winter – although the amount of new street art and graffiti dissipates this time of year as artists stay in their creative caves, waiting for spring. Hang in there peeps.

It’s still cold today so you may want to check out the last day of the Christian Dior show at Brooklyn Museum, or you can see BG183’s solo exhibition at Wallworks in the Bronx, or Daze’s solo show in Manhattan at PPOW.

Great news for New York artists this week: artists can now apply for a monthly stipend of $1,000. This is big news because unlike a lot of Europe, the US and its institutions do not support artists or cultural workers.

Bad news for the orange man in New York this week: The Supreme Court says he and his progeny have to testify under oath, after the Attorney General uncovered “copious evidence of possible financial fraud”. Perhaps Ivanka can consult with her friends Christine Lagarde or Angela Merkel about what to say.

Speaking of exemplary New Yorkers, Jeffery Epstein’s friend Jean-Luc Brunel has been found dead in his prison cell, mysteriously. One of Epstein’s other friends, Prince Andrew, reportedly settled out of court this week. “Prince Andrew reportedly agreed to never again deny raping Virginia Giuffre”, says the New York Post, The Independent, and The Sun. The Times says: “A new nursery rhyme is doing the rounds at the Palace:

‘The grand old Duke of York,
he had 12 million quid.
He gave it to someone he’d never met,
for something he never did’”.

Jesus, let’s go out for a walk and see if we discover some new street art.

Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring: Skewville, Specter, City Kitty, Adam Fujita, Pork, Jason Naylor, Below Key, Lexi Bella, Jowl, Nimek, Klonism, Harvey Ball, Eloy Bida, Kat Blouch, Timmy Ache, and Eyedao.

Jason Naylor (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Eyedao (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Adam Fujita pays tribute to Keith Haring. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
City Kitty & Kat Blouch (photo © Jaime Rojo)
The Batman (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Jowl (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Eloy Bida. Memorial mural in honor of Ingrid Washinawtok. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Skewville turned 100 years old this month. Long Live Skewville! (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Below Key (photo © Jaime Rojo)
The Smiley Face. The design of the iconic image turns 50 years. Originally created by Harvey Ball the symbol has been used everywhere from advertising to movies to fashion and high and low art. This poster has been plastered all over the city to highlight its anniversary…oh don’t forget to SMILE!
Klonism (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Specter (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Timmy Ache (photo © Jaime Rojo)
The Art Of Will Power. “Hip Hop” is my religion. Here’s Mary being a muse again. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Pork. Chinamak (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Pork (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nimek (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Lexi Bella with the lush lips. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Untitled. Snow ghosts. East River. Brooklyn, NYC. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
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