All posts tagged: Collectif Renart

Hell’o Monster and M-City at the Urban Art Biennale in Lille, France

Hell’o Monster and M-City at the Urban Art Biennale in Lille, France

The Biennale Internationale d’Art Mural de Lille from the Collectif Renart is underway in this northern French city of Lille. The international mural festival held every two years boasts artists primarily from the city and region with a handful of artists from other countries.

This years installations continue from May through September, giving a generous leisurely pace without pretense to this program that features myriad styles influenced by graffiti, modern bohemian, D.I.Y., and a variety of fine art practices currently flowing in the larger street art scene.


M-City (photo © Aline Mairet)

“The guys who organized this Biennale are really working hard with a sense of generosity,” says photographer and occasional street art writer Aline Mairet of the mood in Lille. She also shares with BSA readers today her photographs of two recent walls from Poland’s M-City and the Brussels collective of Hell’O Monsters.


M-City (photo © Aline Mairet)

As it turns out, it appears that both have mined the imaginary monsters that frequent the modern mind, here at large in wooded areas. The invincible M-City is diverging from the industrial-mechanical themes that typically distinguish his massive stencil murals, here going figurative with a light beaming boulder throwing woodland dweller.

The Hell’O Monsters collective of Jérôme Meynen, Antoine Detaille, and François Dieltiens create a scene of two, dipping into mystic-folk-cartoon practices of artful representation on the Hellemme métro station. In other words, we don’t know what is going on here but it is attractive, and possibly frightful.


Hell’o Monster (photo © Aline Mairet)


Hell’o Monster (photo © Aline Mairet)


Learn more about the festival HERE.



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