With a theme of “Art and Activism”, the 2017 edition of Wall\Therapy is happening mid-summer in Rochester with local and national artists coming to complete murals that keep people in mind. More of a grassroots mural festival than many, this one works to deepen engagement with the community through new programming intended to connect residents
Results for: Wall Therapy
Wall Therapy 2017: An Intersection of Art, Celebration and People Power : Dispatch 2
With a theme of “Art and Activism”, the 2017 edition of Wall\Therapy is happening mid-summer in Rochester with local and national artists coming to complete murals that keep people in mind. More of a grassroots mural festival than many, this one works to deepen engagement with the community through new programming intended to connect residents
Wall Therapy 2017 Under Way! Local-Heavy Artist Roster Brings Spirit of Community to Rochester
With a theme of “Art and Activism”, the 2017 edition of Wall\Therapy is happening mid-summer in Rochester with local and national artists coming to complete murals that keep people in mind. More of a grassroots mural festival than many, this one works to deepen engagement with the community through new programming intended to connect residents
Wall Therapy 2014
Wall\Therapy has concluded in Rochester again, this year with a focus on portraits and today we bring you an update from some of the talented photographers on the scene in this north western New York town. Essentially a mural project that is beautifying the city with a very eclectic mix of artists working in styles
Faring Purth Repairs “Etty” In Rochester for Wall Therapy
Street Artist Faring Purth is in many places and none of them as she likes to travel and paint and couch surf a bit – whether its Boston and Rochester or places further away like Uraguay, Argentina and California. Her slim and tapered figures and longly distorted portraits have character and sometimes symbolism, but usually
Wall Therapy: A Public Community-Level Intervention with Mural Art in Rochester, NY.
Wall Therapy WALL THERAPY July 20-28, 2012 in Rochester, NY. Faith 47 mural from 2012. (photo © City Newspaper/Lauren Petracca) WALL\THERAPY is a public community-level intervention using mural art as a vehicle to address our collective need for inspiration. // July 20-28, 2012 in Rochester, NY. A weeklong event featuring the following art therapists: Faith47
The Grass Is Greener in Rochester for Wall\Therapy 2017: Completed Walls
With a theme of “Art and Activism”, the 2017 edition of Wall\Therapy is happening mid-summer in Rochester with local and national artists coming to complete murals that keep people in mind. More of a grassroots mural festival than many, this one works to deepen engagement with the community through new programming intended to connect residents
WALL\THERAPY 2015 : Surrealism and The Fantastic
Surreal is the way the world is portrayed across all of our devices today. It may be the shrinking staff and budgets of newsrooms who are veering ever closer to the sensational or simply the yellow journalism and the PR-planted hyperbole that is rushing to fill the vacuum, but the presentation of our own world
Wall\Therapy 2015 Day 6
These have been a stunning few days here in Rochester with a dedicated crew of volunteers and artists is coming to it’s culmination as murals are finished or in their final stages. Again last night Onur and Wes21 were heading back to their wall right after the big celebratory dinner at The Yards – or
Wall/Therapy 2015 Day 4
“Love is Sacrifice” says the calligraphic script on the new wall by Jeff Soto and Maxx242. The two words rarely appear one without the other, as any sentient being will tell you. Maxx242 . Jeff Soto. Wall Therapy 2015. (photo © Courtesy Wall Therapy) As with most artistic endeavors there are sacrifices to be made
Wall\Therapy 2015 Day 3
In Rochester the weather has been warm but workable, as evidenced by the progress that all the artists have been making. You don’t have a long summer in this city of Kodak so we happily have images to share from a dedicated crew of photographers who are catching all the action while the sun is
Wall\Therapy 2015 Day 2
A lot of great action at Wall\Therapy yesterday with Daze, Jeff Soto, Maxx Gramajo, Onur, Never Crew, Nate Hodge, Vexta, and Andreas making a lot of progress on their murals in Rochester. “The artists have settled in and everyone is really enjoying the environment and vibe here in Rochester, especially the warm-welcoming from everyone involved.