ROA in The Navajo Nation Desert with Sleeping Enemies

Don’t be fooled by a coyote playing “dead”. He’s not really playing.

They say that rabbits comprise about 1/3 of a coyotes’ annual diet, and yet one of them is right here sitting by the door on this desert plain, so unimpressed is he with the fast moving varmits.  ROA has just painted the long eared napper at the entrance of this one story building just around the corner from a couple of equally sanguine and predatory kit foxes, their reddish hue desaturated by the Belgian Street Artist’s monochromatic aerosol treatment. It hardly seems like a coyote could mover faster than ROA has across the US this summer and now we catch him for you on the Navajo Reservation with Jetsonorams’s project, “The Painted Desert”.

ROA (photo © Jetsonorama)

ROA’s parade of wildlife is equally striking in these wide-open rural areas as they are climbing multi-storied city buildings.  Just last year he was in the Australian Outback, before that he was in Mexico’s highlands and Chile’s coastal towns.  It is good to see ROA here and with future visits he may find time to paint more animals from the coyote’s buffet, since they’ll eat anything it that they can catch among the low-rise bushes and brush – rabbits, mice, squirrels, gophers, lambs, calves, goats, small pigs, ducks, magpies, crows, buzzards, quail, grasshoppers, and other coyotes.

Thanks to Jetsonorama for sharing these exclusive pics for BSA readers.

ROA (photo © Jetsonorama)

ROA. Detail. (photo © Jetsonorama)

ROA (photo © Jetsonorama)