Work In Progress 2: “Robots Will Kill” are Finishing Windows this weekend

RWK/BSA “Superior Windows Project”

Brooklyn Street Art-work-in-progress

6 down, 2 to go.

The Robots Will Kill guys have managed to keep all their digits from frost bite. That’s a good thing since they need them to paint. As passers by yell out words of praise and/or encouragement, Chris and Veng battle the gusts of cold wind coming up from the East River and hope that the ladders won’t tip onto the sidewalk.

Chris and Veng ask each other for advise constantly
Chris and Veng ask each other for advice continuously (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Veng goes up the ladders, cans in hand, and quickly gets in the zone, aided by his iPod and his headphones.

He loves to wear his headphones while painting because they help him with the noise and distractions of the street. That’s a good thing since on a recent afternoon a damsel in distress nearby on the sidewalk was on her mobile phone yelling all sorts of off-color adjectives and adverbs to her Lothario, almost threatening to kill herself if he didn’t come and pick up the phone.

He did not pick up the phone and she did not kill herself. Veng also did not stop painting.

Chris painting details
Chris applying finish touches (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Chris has finished his share of windows already.

He announced it with fanfare to Veng.  Veng acidly responded that it was easy for Chris to finish so fast since he only used three colors. Chris promptly corrected him and set the record straight.

He used four.

Fnish window
An homage to Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” perhaps?  (photo © Jaime Rojo)

YOU be the judge.

“Rear Window” (detail) with this curious teen and his RWK poster on the wall (photo © Jaime Rojo)

So THAT’S 6 WINDOWS DONE, 2 to go. If you are in the neighborhood this weekend you may have the opportunity to be ignored by Veng as he stands atop the ladder, carefully finishing the final windows.

If you can’t get there, don’t worry, we’ll show you the final “Superior Windows” next week when they are finished.

Veng working on is village
Veng working on his village (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Finish window
In Veng’s finished window you can see an old town cut in the middle by a modern highway. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

In this detail of the recently finished window you can see Veng’s homage to the street art website authored by photographers Luna Park and Becki Fuller, “The Street Spot”.

Rock it baby!
GABBA GABBA HEY! Snow on the window ledge adds to the effect in Chris’s dude rocking out  (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Detail through a pine tree. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Stay tuned for more progress reports.

RWK in conjunction with BSA.

SEE THE LAST Work In Progress Report HERE